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I can't believe you guys are still talking to Hixtler at all.  There is simply no point to it.  He's not going to change his mind. 


I think Hixter has plenty to say and often times it is good to get an opposing view.  I like to engage him and others that disagree with me, it not only gives me perspective, but can sharpen my arguments.  However on the matter guns, nothing new has been presented and it is the same relenting  nonsense.  By both sides, and generally devolves into name calling.  BTW is real childish and actually does a disservice to the position you support.  

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I had an interesting discussion on minum wage and its effect on the economy. Apparently raising it will destroy the economy and our way of life. The person I discussed it with thinks it should be abolished and that government has no business interfering in business (ignore that pesky commerce clause). Anyhow I was informed that Americans earn too much so the min wage needs to go away. I challenged this person to go to his boss and ask for a pay cut because he warns too much, that's not happening. Realistically everyone who works full time should be able to warn a living wage.


Dividends are under taxed too.


Wall Street needs tighter regulating and has a more profound negative effect on the economy than people will admit. I was informed that government should not interfere with business because a third party should never tell a business what to do, however I work for a business where a third party, Wall Street, controls more of what we do than the government does.


If people want low taxes like other countries have, then they need to take into account everything. You want a 25%corporate tax rate? Then you have to give up a ton of unique deductions found only in America. Things like section 199, MACRS, LIFO and others. Also most of those other countries (all I think actually) gave VAT taxes and completely different budgets than us. There are a crap tom of moving parts to address. It's not a simple fix and anyone who says so has no idea what they are talking about.

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I'm not calling anyone names, I just think this discussion is pointless on guns.  Guns are here to stay until the vast majority of the US population gets sick of the slaughter. So far they haven't.  Pretty much end of discussion.



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I'm not calling anyone names, I just think this discussion is pointless on guns. Guns are here to stay until the vast majority of the US population gets sick of the slaughter. So far they haven't. Pretty much end of discussion.



He was referring to me. I guess it's childish to get angry when someone posts a picture of a needlessly killed animal.


I think I've finally reached my breaking point with this place. I've met some really nice people on here and will continue to keep in touch with them, but as of now I'm out of here. At least for a while.


Best wishes to most of you,



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Louie I don't disagree with what you say.


Planned parenthood has issued a statement on the shootings where they call out certain presidential candidates for their rhetoric. People of a certain persuasion call for the military to take out clerics and such whose rhetoric leads to attacks against US and other targets around the world. I'm still waiting for them to make similar statements regarding the rhetoric that leads to incidents like the PP shooting or the Tiller shooting.

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Skip the political discussions and stay for the Wilco and music. The political discussions are super toxic. Some of us find it difficult to believe that Wilco fans can be so regressive in their thinking (not aimed at anyone in particular although if the shoe fits).  We all know that for everyone who is safe there are thousands who die at the hands of those holding guns and lots of animals die who really don't need to be killed for food.  Yea, take out a few harmless bunnies or a deer or two if you must but honestly you don't need a big honking firearm to do it. 



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because everything has stayed as it was back in the 1770's. 

The Supreme Court has repeatedly, and recently, affirmed that the amendment allows individuals to own firearms.

Thanks for the heads up - I'll definitely be stocking up on the green tip armor piercing bullets before Obama gets them!  I've only had occasion to use them a few times in the past - once, when I was out hunting, there was a bunch of deer wearing full body armor.  Thankfully, I had my green tips on me and nailed a buck!  

They're a very popular and relatively cheap military surplus round. Like just about every other center-fire rifle cartridge, they'll easily penetrate typical police body armor.

there was a small buck in my backyard when i pulled in from the Scharpling/Wurster show last night. i think he had some hollowpoints on him.

I surprised 5 of them when I opened my front door last night at midnight. They like my shrubs. :(

You truly cannot imagine it? You are incapable of having a mental image of someone using an AR-15 for any of those purposes (skeet, elk, target shooting, home invaders) other than target shooting? Surely you are capable of imagining, let's say, elk hunting with an AR-15. Maybe this will help: https://www.ar15.com/archive/topic.html?b=3&f=121&t=630491

Skeet shooting with a rifle would be ridiculous. Anyone with half a brain wouldn't choose an AR-15 (or other rifle) for home defense because the rounds are capable of exiting the building and killing people outside of the building -- or even in neighboring buildings. A shotgun or pistol are far better suited for the task. As for elk hunting, a typical 5.56 AR-15 round is underpowered for the task. It's certainly capable of killing one with the right shot placement, but it's not a very good choice. The discussion that you linked to was about people using much larger and more powerful rounds in AR-styled weapons. They are very expensive and vastly outnumbered by typical 5.56 models.

We get it, you are passionate about guns, you feel the second amendment allows to you have guns.

The Supreme Court feels the Second Amendment allows me to have guns. And I wouldn't call myself passionate about guns. I rarely think about them and it's been months since the last time I even touched the ones that I own.

Ugh. Know what I love? Hunting accidents. Trophy hunters are sad, inadequate dicks.

I would bet a paycheck that that elk ended up in someone's freezer. My neighbor served a great jalapeño & cheddar sausage with crackers while we watched the games yesterday.

We are going to keep slaughtering each other and totally helpless animals until there are simply none of us left.  The gun nuts believe they are entitled to every type of fire arm and ammo under all conditions.

No, we won't, and no, they don't.

Plenty of examples when you Google "AR-15 elk hunting" but also when you Google "AR-15 Home Invader shooting", http://mic.com/articles/64663/5-people-who-used-an-ar-15-to-defend-themselves-and-it-probably-saved-their-lives#.LtJ7SpYqy and "AR-15 Skeet Shooting", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqhqA3bCVo 

Plenty of evidence. Why is it so difficult to imagine? 

Mainly because they are not the intended or practical uses of that particular firearm. A few minutes ago I used a table knife to turn the screw on a hose clamp, but that's not how I should have used that particular implement.

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What is an AR15 meant to be used for?

Shootin' stuff!


However on the matter guns, nothing new has been presented and it is the same relenting  nonsense.  By both sides, and generally devolves into name calling.

Not by this guy. ;)


Yea, take out a few harmless bunnies or a deer or two if you must but honestly you don't need a big honking firearm to do it. 

Actually, you do. The typical AR-15 in .223 is about the bare minimum suitable for deer hunting, although a few states consider it to be too small for the job. Typical deer rifles are much bigger in caliber, size & weight.

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They hired a crew of bowhunters to thin out the deer population in my town. I hope to catch a glimpse of one of them someday, but it might be disappointing, cuz it would probably ruin my image of Legolas prancing from yard to tree eyeing a whitetail.

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Catch a glimpse of the hunter or the deer?


I have several friends who are purists and will

not hunt with firearms, bows only. Sights and ammunition for fire arms are too good and they feel that there's no challenge in shooting something 200 yards away.

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Thanks for the heads up - I'll definitely be stocking up on the green tip armor piercing bullets before Obama gets them!  I've only had occasion to use them a few times in the past - once, when I was out hunting, there was a bunch of deer wearing full body armor.  Thankfully, I had my green tips on me and nailed a buck!  

Not much in this thread makes me laugh, but this did. Thanks, Bob_Roberts.

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So let's see, you can completely lie about seeing Muslims in this country cheering on 9/11; make fun of a disabled reporter; put out a racist and factually incorrect tweet and your poll numbers will go up.




Again, I will say it.  Not all Republicans are lying, bigoted, racist, assholes, but apparently that is who they want to run our country.  

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That's a good story, very courageous of him.

Yes it is and was. I would hope that I would do the same but maybe not...


I guess I just linked it to give us some perspective regarding petty and pointless cyber political bickering.

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Agree with "pointless cyber political bickering".  No one is going to have their mind changed and the tone of the forum can get a little hot. Hell, I just look at this when their is nothing new on the other forums. Good to remember why I joined in the first place. Wilco is awesome.

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I really hope Donald Trump takes the GOP nomination.  I still suspect that either Rubio or Cruz will be the nominee, but what the heck, that will be super boring.  Sure not all Republicans are bigots, but damn, a whole lot of them apparently are.  Carson is finished.  He just wanted to sell a few more books anyway, before he goes back to the lecture circuit.



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