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Posts posted by Hixter

  1. If Hixter and KevinG can agree on something, I think it's high time all the schmucks in D.C. get together, stop grandstanding, and find some common ground. :cheers



    I'm glad this Kennedy stayed out of politics:


    SACRAMENTO (CBS SF) – As lawmakers at the State Capitol consider a bill that would no longer allow parents to opt out of vaccinating their children over personal beliefs, vaccination critic Robert Kennedy Jr. waded into the debate at a Sacramento appearance.


    Kennedy spoke to a crowd Tuesday screening a film that claims a link between autism in children and thimerosal, an ingredient in vaccines, according to the Sacramento Bee.


    “They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone,” Kennedy reportedly told the crowd. “This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.”


  2. let's just use 'racial profiling' instead

    Even that term has been overused to the point that it's become politically incorrect to mention the race of a wanted suspect. That's not racial profiling, it's called a description.

  3. Prejudice is a part of our daily lives and much of it takes place unconsciously. When I come to a green light and my gut tells me that the other car isn't going to stop, I'm prejudging him/her. If I'm walking down a deserted street and I see 3 guys with shotguns in hand, I'll take another route, although it's possible that they're just getting ready to head to the skeet range. If a cop pulls over a pickup with an ATM in the bed, he's prejudging the driver, but it's reasonable to do so.


    As I said, we've overused the words racism and -phobia so much that a lot of people have lost track of their true meanings. And we're well on the way to abusing the concept of hate crimes/speech, too.

  4. I don't think someone born and raised in this country could possibly say they are not racist in any way. 

    Do you think a particular race is superior to another? I don't and it seems pretty straightforward to me. We've all seen racism and our experiences may have been affected (I almost said colored) by race, but that doesn't make someone racist. I think it's a bit overreaching to say that every person in this country is racist in some way.

  5. Come on man, that's not true of any person.


    1a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

    I don't believe any race is superior to another. In our polarized and politically correct world, we've twisted words like racism so much that they're almost meaningless. And don't get me started about all the -phobias...

  6. That should have read "no-rinse." It's a food-safe, acid-based product used to sanitize equipment and containers. No-rinse means that it can be left in place without removing it. For instance, you'd sanitize a fermenter or bottle with it prior to filling, but a small amount of the sanitizer will still be in the vessel as it's being filled.


    StarSan is a commonly used product.


  7. They are launching something called Brewtegrity to spread the word.

    Interesting. It seems their biggest target is silicone-based anti-foam agents. I've sometimes used them in the past to control kettle boil-overs (I typically have 13.5 gallons of wort boiling in a 15.5-gallon pot, so there's not much room to spare) but it's only a drop per gallon and I usually forget to even bring the bottle out of the fridge.


    I wonder what their take on sanitizers is? Home brewers use non-rinse sanitizers, so there's always a bit of sanitizer left in the bottle/keg/fermenter. I've read that yeast will actually consume the sanitizer, but I don't know if that's actually true.

  8. They are really adamant about not using squid bladders and antifoam and whatever in the process.

    A lot of vegetarians and vegans don't realize that isinglass (fish bladders) and gelatin are sometimes used to clear beer. There aren't many alternatives other than filtering, but that can strip away flavors and yeast. I don't mind cloudy beer, so it's fine if no finings are used.


    Moss, I use Irish Moss in the boil kettle to help haze-causing proteins settle out. It works fine and it's made from algae, so it's not a problem for the veggies.

  9. It doesn't border on the ridiculous to ask someone saying that it should be legal for a business to refuse to sell to homosexuals because the free market will take care of said businesses, if they also believe that same reasoning should apply to businesses refusing to sell to blacks. That is all that I did.

    Although I made it very clear that I am in no way a racist, you are still demanding like a modern-day McCarthy that I submit to your questioning about something that was rightly relegated to the trash heap of history 50 years ago. I will reply to whatever I want, when I want, and you are free to do likewise without any goading from me.


    I know a way that you could be certain of his meaning, rather than make an assumption. You could ask him a direct question for clarification.

    And you can rest assured that I wouldn't still be mentioning it (or even caring about it) 10 days later if he chose not to respond.

  10. This whole conversation borders on the ridiculous. Someone else implies that the entire south is filled with racists eager to throw us back to an ugly era, yet I am the one from whom clarification is demanded?


    I find it very easy to be polite to people, even when we're disagreeing about something. I've asked questions that have gone unanswered, and made statements that were not responded to, yet I feel no need to demand answers and responses from anyone. It may be "the Internet" but I have no intention of being "one of those people on the Internet."


    Would VC be a better place if my posts were something like this?


    Hey UserX, it looks like your messiah Obama has really screwed the pooch in Iran. Leave it to all you lefty libtards to destroy the world -- starting with Israel. But we know you are all a bunch of anti-Semitic pinkos anyway, masturbating to photos of Saul Alinsky with one hand while signing your 12-year-old daughter's abortion consent form with the other. Stop sniffing Al Franken's butt for a minute and explain to me how the Iran agreement won't destroy modern civilization. Or are you too busy filling out your ISIS enrollment form? Huh? Huh?

    I think not.

  11. He is neither left or right, liberal, libertarian or conservative.  I get that now too. He remains an island.  Good luck with that. 


    I'm pretty much middle of the road. Whenever I've taken the online political compass tests I've come up squarely at the center, but I just took it again to generate the graph and it seems I've strayed into lefty libertarian territory.  :blink




  12. you can put yourself typing that on an endless loop and it still won't be true.

    It most certainly is true and it has been so for decades. It is also against the official rules for many message boards and is even a ban-able offense on some. 


    What exactly did 

    i'm pretty sure Hixter's got the answer all typed out, we just have to wait until he hits 'Post'

    add to the discussion? Nothing at all.


    And why was it necessary for someone to include this sentence in a discussion about Ted Cruz that I hadn't even participated in?

    yes Hixter he has the right to say the things he does


    My best friend is prone to posting politically charged, conservative stuff on Facebook. I rarely agree with the content, but I don't say anything because he has a right to voice his opinion and, most importantly, he's my friend. About a year ago he posted something political and called out 2 or 3 of his very liberal friends. I politely informed him that it was impolite to do so and at first he was adamant that he'd done nothing wrong, but after several people told him the same thing he apologized and abandoned that tactic. 


    People will respond to whatever they please, whenever they please, so calling them out in order to ridicule them or demand a response will always be poor form in a forum like this.

  13. yeah N Korea tested the weapon because we were inches away from historic meeting between North and South Korea and making things really happen when Bush took Florida and came into office. He destroyed the entire deal and went into psycho boy mode with darth vader at his side.

    he blew that deal in the absolute worst way. we had been working on that hard as hell for straight years. disgusting and sad.

    We were "inches away" from a deal, yet they performed their first test 5 years after Bush took office? And 2 of their 3 tests have taken place during Obama's presidency, so what does that say?


    They're a rogue regime that can't be trusted. The same can be said about Iran.

  14. Netanyahu had no influence on me. My views are based upon 35 years of watching the Iranian regime in action. I've watched them take Americans hostage (a friend of a friend is still being held there), kill American Marines in Beirut (including a friend of mine), kill Jews all over the planet, kill Americans in Iraq, build secret nuclear facilities deep under a mountain and lie, lie, lie. I've seen enough government-organized "Death to America" demonstrations to realize that they are not capable of being trusted.



    “We are still not in a position to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is [for a] peaceful purpose,” Yukiya Amano, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said at the Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference in Washington on Monday. “Progress has been very limited in clarifying issues with possible military dimensions.”



  15. Makes popcorn, waits for delusional people to come back and express outrage, dissatsifaction, or how these changes validate their perspective.

    I've been saying that the law would be reworded and the show would go on since the beginning.

  16. Yep we are all gonna die because of this.  Gonna add it to the litany of things that the Obama Administration has done or is doing that is going to end life on this planet or at very the very least end the American Way.  See we have Obamacare, immigrants invading our country, the government taking over the internet, the Muslims, the government taking away our guns, the government telling us we have to serve people we don't like (thus turning us gay), Common Core, so on and so forth.  It must be hard to live in a world where you see everything that is done by the President as ultimately destroying your life.


    I suppose the alternative is to have no deal, to allow Iran to continue, but that sanctions they are gonna work, cause they have in the past.  Maybe we should just go ahead and invade, kick out the dictatorship.  That worked in Iraq, didn't it?  We now have a peaceful stabilized country and further ally in the region.  Also it didn't cost us anything because of all the oil revenues.  Let's follow that model with Iran.  


    At this point responses from the right have become so predictable.  So anti-Administration it is laughable.  

    That's a rather cartoonish post. Trust me, if a Republican president had forged the same deal I would be just as sceptical. And there's also skepticism from his own party: 



  17. Iran will not destroy any centrifuges. They'll be temporarily mothballed. Iran will still be able to develop new centrifuges and centrifuge technology. None of their facilities will be shut down. At best, the deal kicks the can down the road a few years. At worst, the Iranians ignore the deal at the time of their choosing.


    And, yes, the sanctions are working. That's the main reason that the Iranians even sat down at the table. 


    My response to Iran or any other wannabe nuclear state would be this: waste all the money on nuclear weapons that you'd like; defensive weapons don't scare us. But the first time one is transferred out of the country or used offensively -- or you even threaten to use them offensively, we will send you a hundred much more advanced warheads free of charge. By airmail.

  18. President Obama is touting his deal with Iran, but even the Washington Post sees that it's anything but a deal:


    The "key parameters” for an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program released Thursday fall well short of the goals originally set by the Obama administration. None of Iran’s nuclear facilities — including the Fordow center buried under a mountain — will be closed. Not one of the country’s 19,000 centrifuges will be dismantled. Tehran’s existing stockpile of enriched uranium will be “reduced” but not necessarily shipped out of the country. In effect, Iran’s nuclear infrastructure will remain intact, though some of it will be mothballed for 10 years. When the accord lapses, the Islamic republic will instantly become a threshold nuclear state.


    That’s a long way from the standard set by President Obama in 2012 when he declared that “the deal we’ll accept” with Iran “is that they end their nuclear program” and “abide by the U.N. resolutions that have been in place.” Those resolutions call for Iran to suspend the enrichment of uranium. Instead, under the agreement announced Thursday, enrichment will continue with 5,000 centrifuges for a decade, and all restraints on it will end in 15 years.

    If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of the Saudi nuclear weapons program spinning up. It may not take them long, because for years there have been whispers that the bankrolled the Pakistani nuclear weapons program, with the understanding that they would be provided with warheads and delivery systems upon demand.
    Another quote from the Post:

    The proposed accord will provide Iran a huge economic boost that will allow it to wage more aggressively the wars it is already fighting or sponsoring across the region.

    If you think the Middle East is a shit show now, wait until you see the next 5 or 10 years. (Maybe the next 12 months, if Israel gets panicky.)

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