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Posts posted by Hixter

  1. I can square my beliefs to theirs and feel ok (not great mind you) for voting for them .  But when confronted with their records I do not bury my head in the sand.      

    What makes you think that Republican voters don't feel the same way about the politicians they vote for? And who is burying their head in the sand?


    The article you posted was a piece of clickbait trash. Period.

  2. You did not understand the article.  You personally may not believe in these things.  However as pointed out by the voting records and actions of the Republican lawmakers you are voting for these things.

    Baloney, I understood the article very well. It was a poorly written waste of electrons that was written by someone with one goal in mind: to generate page clicks and shares on Facebook. It would take about ten minutes to come up with an alternate take and I'm sure that someone's writing it up now:


    Top 10 reasons to vote Democrat
    Why would anyone vote Democrat? Well, here are 10 reasons.
    1. You hate people of color.
    President Obama has presided over 2 wars and an ever-expanding number of military actions and drone strikes in Asia and the Middle East. If you vote for him, you're voting for the murders of men, women and children of color.
    2. You hate children.


    Democrats traditionally support abortion rights and thousands of healthy babies are killed every year. They're on your head if you vote Democrat.


    Etcetera, etcetera. I have no time for such crap. 

  3. Obviously you disagree with the article.  Pity, comments aside.  Other then point 8 (You want government to hurt people not help people), which IMHO stupid argument, can you refute the statements?  

    Yes, I disagree with the article -- mainly because it's stupid. But let me start refutin'


    1. You are a bigot
    I'm not.
    2. You like eating, drinking and breathing poison.
    I don't.
    3. You think the rich don't have enough money
    I don't.
    4. You don't support our veterans
    I do.
    5. You like big deficits
    I don't.
    6. You don't believe in free speech.
    I do.
    7. You like big government
    I don't.
    8. You want government to hurt people, but not help them
    I don't.
    9. You are greedy, short sighted and rich
    I'm not.
    10. You like torture
    I don't.

    So are you against the Net Neutrality regulations? 

    No, but there's more to it than Net Neutrality. First of all, the FCC hasn't released the proposed legislation? Gee, I wonder why ...


    Second, George Soros and his cronies have been pumping money into the fight for quite some time. Something smells fishy.


    Third, an FCC commissioner and the EFF have come out against the proposed legislation. 


    Fourth, more government intrusion into our lives is seldom a good thing.

  4. some of it is a little heavy handed

    A little? Please.

    I understand if a constituent sincerely believes that less government is better than more (although that is a somewhat simplistic way to look at it), but when an actual politician starts that crap, I want to punch them in the neck. Oh, really, you think less government is the answer? Then why are YOU running for public office!?

    The number of elected officials is relatively stationary; it's the government's overreach that creates "big government." More laws, more regulations, more taxes, more involvement in our daily lives -- that kind of thing. The government wants tighter and tighter controls on the Internet, on the airwaves, on what we eat, on what we read, on what we drive, on what we purchase, on what we say, etc. and that's what people are growing tired of.

  5. The one that sticks in my mind is "My Generation" in Orlando in 1982. The band had said that they weren't going to play it that tour, so I was pleasantly surprised when they opened the show with it. The 1982 tour was somewhat lackluster, but the Orlando show was the first gig after a 3-week break and they really seemed to be having a great night.




    Joan Jett opened. The B-52s came on next and were pelted off the stage after about 20 minutes.

  6. the comments section is the most homophobic garbage i've seen in some time. well done.

    Sorry if it's offensive; I'm using an iPhone and I can't see the comments. As a rule, I don't read YouTube comments even if I can see them, because they seem to be made mostly by poorly behaved 12-year-olds.
  7. And it is important to remember that Brian Williams is not being criticized for the news he reported, it is an anecdote he told.  

    Doubts are also being raised about other reporting that he did, including his coverage of Hurricane Katrina. It appears that the man is a serial exaggerator and it will be up to NBC to decide whether his newly acquired reputation is too toxic for their network.


    The concept of a news anchor as the all-knowing, trustworthy, singular purveyor of truth in the news is a farce. We should just call them "news readers" and be done with it. It shouldn't matter who reads the news or how much they are paid and the whole process of grooming and crowning the kings and queens of the evening news -- and all of the backstabbing and infighting that goes along with it -- is toxic.


    Does anyone under 60 even watch the networks' evening news these days?

  8. If John Hodgemen is returning, does that mean we will see another "all requests" show on Friday night?

    I doubt it. I always figured that the request show was a chance to practice/perform songs that they had learned for the upcoming tour with Dylan and MMJ and all those special guests.

  9. I think the distinction between reporting a false story and sharing one from person experience is important.

    Yes, but the distinctions are blurred, as he has been recounting a fictional story that took place while he was doing his job as an NBC reporter. Then he repeated it several times on nationally broadcast programs. It'll certainly hurt his credibility, but only NBC will decide if he's damaged goods.

  10. Really hoping that we get Nels Cline & Julian Lage again as well!!!

    That would be great. Yuka Honda mentioned the festival the other day on Facebook, so it's likely that there will be a Cibo Matto and/or Fig performance. I saw Fig at a sparsely attended gig at the Smell in L.A. last month and they really rocked.

  11. He wasn't reporting this as part of the news, he was inflating his own personal experience.  Will it tank him?  I doubt it. Dan Rather didn't check his facts on an actual story. That was a bit different.  Once again, not fact checking happens a lot.  Rolling Stone ought to have closed down to, but didn't. 

    He repeated the false account on national television several times while representing NBC News as their lead anchor. I'm certainly not suggesting that NBC News be shut down, but I am wondering aloud whether he has damaged his reputation to such a degree that the network might want to wash their hands of him.

  12. This is not fake news, its kind of a dumb thing he did. Brian Williams is probably the highest profile newsman in the country.   If fake news helped implode news organizations then Fox News would have closed down long ago (as admittedly would other news outlets.)

    As a journalist, he's expected to tell the truth, but he's been lying for years. As I said, Dan Rather's career bit the dust when he was caught pushing a story that turned out to be untrue.


    As for vaccines, I wonder if Vlad was vaccinated against MMR. Maybe Jenny McCarthy was right...



  13. Anyone want to take bets on whether NBC anchorman Brian Williams will keep his job after being caught lying about his exploits in the early days of the war in Iraq? Dan Rather's career imploded when he was caught peddling fake news, but Hillary Clinton emerged unscathed when caught lying about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia. Which way will the fickle finger of fate point today?

  14. Tinfoil hat time:


    An EMP attack would likely kill our CD players, turntables, iPods and computers. Who knows how well the servers that make up "the cloud" would hold up? Everyone needs to hang onto their CDs and other physical media and build a Faraday cage to hold and protect a CD/DVD player, turntable and a solar power source and/or generator.

  15. nice. i've never had any cantillion. how'd you score a bottle? 

    Nice. I happened to be visiting my kids in Orange County a few months ago and found out about a Cantillon, De Molen, Drie Fonteinen, and Hill Farmstead event in Long Beach. We waited in the sun for 2 hours, but it was well worth the inconvenience.

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