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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. It is interesting - the discussion changed my view that it was the dissing of John Henry that packed Manny's bags for good. It was definitely the veterans' meeting.
  2. I was listening to the show and before Schilling it was like 30 minutes straight of people calling whining about B's lack of Manny and Lou Merloni and Brian Daubach in the studio kind of countering that. When Schilling called it was a breath of fresh air - you could tell he was just fed up with the calls.
  3. That was a really entertaining phonecall from Curt in a car. Not sure what you mean by "consider the source" when it comes to Schilling though...he talks a lot, but when it comes to the game, it's never bs. Right?
  4. Internet guy - can you rename this "The latest Bryan Adams thread"?
  5. I think I made that album cover image in 10th grade art class, using pastels.
  6. I imagine they reached this conclusion by checking what teams were playing.
  7. TheMaker - I don't know how you include quotes from others in your posts, but the "Reply" function will automatically show who it is. I'm in the dark when I'd like to know who you're responding to (I know if I'm reading all of this thread, I should figure it out, but still). Also, there's a chance your method involves copying and pasting, which is more work than quoting from the post.
  8. Thanks for filtering my post through Playskool's My First Interweb.
  9. And Jaye Davidson should've been nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Actress.
  10. Sorry to talk about a local election, but yesterday Boston voters successfully removed a repeatedly corrupt incumbent state senator in favor of a former school teacher from my neighborhood. A Senate fixture toppled About a 200 vote difference. Voting counts!
  11. I was thinking maybe I missed something - thanks Mod.
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