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Tweedy's Gurl

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Posts posted by Tweedy's Gurl

  1. what's today's theme? i'm scared to go back a page...


    don't be scared...there's nothing objectionable on it.


    no theme...unless you can come up with one.


    oh I cannot hide my disdain for that horrible film. I can't believe my friends and I used to go see it in high school. Oh, I remember - we used to go so we could stay out late, drink and snog with boys.....It was never about the movie.


    ahhhhh high school :)


    Oh, when we move I should be able to find that video of it for you. :yes


    of course it's not about the movie! for me it's about the costumes...basically dressing like a skanky goth chick and being encouraged to yell obscene things.

  2. fine....i'll start a new one...and i'll post any many pictures of eddie as i want!


    oh...and for good measure, before i leave:







    (i'll make it up to you guys later with some nearly cheesecake neko photos)

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