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Posts posted by G_willy

  1. I was home for thanksgiving break ( chicago area) and I was really excited b/c I figured that at least SOME theater in the chicago land area was going to be playing it. But to my dismay, I COULDN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE! Now I am stuck in Oshkosh waiting for it to goto DVD... that or a bootleg :(

  2. I was reading through some of Bright Eyes lyrics and I stumbled across this single he put out on itunes. I fricken love Conor Obersts lyrics.


    When the President talks to God,

    Are the conversations brief or long?

    Does he ask to rape our women's rights,

    and send poor farm kids off to die?

    Does God suggest an oil hike

    when the President talks to God?

    When the President talks to God,

    Are the consonants all hard or soft?

    Is he resolute all down the line?

    Is every issue black or white?

    Does what God say ever change his mind,

    When the President talks to God?

    When the President talks to God,

    Does he fake that drawal or merely nod?

    Agree which convicts should be killed?

    Where prisons should be built and filled?

    Which vote or fraud must be concealed,

    When the President talks to God?

    When the President talks to God

    I wonder which one plays the better cop.

    "We should find some jobs - the ghetto's broke"

    "No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't.

    Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke"

    That's what God recommends.

    When the President talks to God

    does he ever think that maybe he's not?

    That that voice is just inside his head

    as he kneels next to the presidential bed?

    Does he ever smell his own bull shit

    When the president talks to God?

    I doubt it.

    I doubt it.

  3. I actually had a chance to hear one of the founders steve nix speak last week. Guy telecommutes to san francisco from his home in appleton wisconsin, seems like a sweet gig. He said that they actually own a physical copy of every CD that is in pandora... and if they don't have what you are looking for, e-mail them and they will try to find it and put it up.


    pandora rocks

  4. I started playing soccer when I was in 2nd grade because i was sick of doing somersaults while playing right field. I played soccer year round all the way until my freshman year of college. My parents never played soccer so it was very easy for me to get involved in the sport without the pressures of my parents forcing athletics on me. But I grew up around these kids and more importantly there parents. I have seen some pretty crazy things in my day regarding parents acting like todlers and getting thrown out of soccer matches, some of them for yelling at there own son (I played club soccer around the chicago area there are alot of rich wack job yahoos). I guess what I am getting at is that by there senior years in highschool most of these kids were burnt out from playing and at this point their parents had soo much invested financially in their kid that they felt obligated to go on and try to play in college. Athletics should be something you choose to do and the next time you see a parent yelling at their kid or at the referee in a kids soccer match tell them to get lost.

  5. I remember in 4th grade my brother had one of there CDs... I would recite the lines to the if you color outside of the lines jesus will fucking kill you song. (I'm assuming its the methodist coloring book song)



    ...I liked to color outside the lines :)


    haven't heard that CD in ages

  6. I would consider myself a closet daft punk fan to the public. I dont think alot of peoeple appreciate there style of music so I tend to not bring it up...but I do love robot love jams.

    I remember around 95-96 when "Da Funk" was playing pretty much non-everywhere you went. pretty much the only dance track I can think of aside from Underworld- Born Slippy that got widespread rotation on your standard alternative radio.honestly tho, is that all it took was a kanye sample to get these guys mainstream attention? they've been around for ages.
    ooo how i love born slippy :thumbup
  7. as much as I have also repeatedly looked on via chicago to see if this show is available for download... it is customary to wait 1 to 2 weeks before requesting the show. I noticed some mic's setup in the front row and I can only hope there will be a recording of this. But please be patient with the tapers.

  8. great show! we were 3rd row center and it fricken rocked. The 3 people I went with it was there first show and afterwards they were going crazy. I am glad they closed with california stars, I seem to always miss the shows that they pull that one out at. Dr Dog was really great too, I wished they woulda played a little longer but oh well.

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