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Sly like a Foxwell

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Posts posted by Sly like a Foxwell

  1. this has to be one of the coolest tools I've ever encountered.





    Download.com review excerp


    Improve your Outlook with Xobni Freeware Xobni integrates into your Outlook installation and shows you more about your e-mails than Outlook can itself. For each person who sends you e-mail, it shows you who else they frequently communicate with--their de facto social networks--and it also finds their phone number from inside their e-mails. It shows you all conversation threads you've participated in with the person, and all the attachments they've sent you. You can drill into message threads, and it has a snappy but redundant e-mail search engine built-in.
  2. I'm thinking i haven;t shared this before, so now is the time. it;s a very cool concept brought to reality by a good friend of mine, seemingly a long time ago.


    if any of you have the chance, catch up with the tour. it never dissapoints




    The Rural Route Film Festival has been created to highlight works that deal with rural people and places. While the term "rural" is defined by Webster's Dictionary as: 1) Of or relating to the country: RUSTIC 2) Of or relating to people who live in the country 3) Of or relating to farming: AGRICULTURAL, the creators of Rural Route Film Festival leave it up to you, the film and video artists, to explain your own definition of "rural." Whether it be a documentary about an organic turnip farm in West Virginia, a fictional backpacking drama set in Peru, or a personal/experimental work about life in a small town in Wisconsin, we want to see and hear what you have to say. Works that include alternative country, country western, and folk music are encouraged, as are those that play loud rock in cornfields.
  3. Has anyone heard from Foxwell?


    Vibes to everyone in the flood zone, and for the folks here who live there or are worrying about loved ones in the area.



    there is water 1/2 block from my house, and from what i last hear, water over the top of my desk at work. i have power agiain, and hopefully i don;t get kicked out of my house again tonight


    thanks to everyone for the vibes and concerns. keep em coming

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