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Sly like a Foxwell

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Posts posted by Sly like a Foxwell

  1. things have come a long way since the cassetts days... considering i now have a 1.5TB drive installed


    todays WIn 7 battle.... figuring out why it keeps losing connectivity to the rest of the network. disabled IPv6 . we'll see what that does

  2. This is my favorite take on it so far.


    yeah, that one is good. i still haven;t seen any traces of hitler. they toned UAC down , so even that isn;t terrible


    is the beta stable enough to run for good?



    thus far, i've had no stability problems. i've had some problems with it interacting poorly with the Windows Home server ( causing some tcp errors and some other system oddities)

  3. digital rights manufacturing software - it ensured that you weren't using their product on other mp3 players or being too generous with sharing



    hate to bust you Blue, but the proper word is Managment.


    Digital rights management (DRM) is a generic term that refers to access control technologies used by hardware manufacturers, publishers and copyright holders to limit usage of digital media or devices.












    they are still fucking commies

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