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Posts posted by JUDE

  1. UGH I dont know why I try but mean one more point. Hes obviously holding the IPad away from his wife (there is full audio of this part from the 911 call) in this vid and doing something to it before he throws it. Why would he do that? Any ideas?



    Quick question, isn't the Ipad community property up until the final divorce decree? It wouldn't be the first time a piece of electronics was destroyed accidently prior to a divorce being finalized.


    I know I'm just speculating here as I don't have first hand information as to what occurred or the state of mind of those involved.

  2. thank god we have a tape to go to on this one.

    nice lame ass stretch.


    like saying Trayvon was black so it must be cool that GZ thought he was suspicious and followed him




    dude there is videotape now and there is audio. try looking and listening. this isn't the middle of the night like when he blasted Trayvon



    So wait, a tape exists of Zimmermann punching his father in law, smashing his estranged wife's Ipad and threatening bodily harm with a firearm?  Well charges should be pending, I would think that the state has the right to charge Zimmerman, in the interest of public safety, regardless of S. Zimmerman's reluctance to do the same.

  3. People involved in a messy divorce make all kinds of wild accusations. My ex-wife told my Army commander something so bizarre that I still shake my head in disbelief 25 years later.


    Yeah, but you have guns, which clearly indicates diminished mental capacity and sociopathic tendencies, so it had to be true.

  4. Yeah I MIGHT reverse my support of Zimmerman when he finaly goes on a sociopathic killing spree gunning down women and babies, as he is bound to do sooner or later.


    Oh who am I kidding, he could shoot the baby jesus in the face and i would still support the loveable little cherub!

  5. I’m not sure I would put too much weight into his soon to be ex-wife’s statements, considering she has already plead guilty to perjury and had to recant her recent 911 statement to police.  She may have an ulterior motive in trying to vilify her soon to be ex-husband.


    Of course that’s just my take, I tend to side with GZ in all of this. 


    In the interest of full disclosure, I have a CC permit, usually have a loaded handgun in my car, and I was ticketed twice in 2012 for failure to wear a seatbelt. 


    Also  Go Colorado!




    "We did not find a gun, did not locate a weapon," said Zach Hudson, public information officer with the Lake Mary Police Department. "Nobody ever saw a gun. A gun is not part of this story."

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