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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Pitcher Cory Lidle had apparently purchased the plane that crashed into the building and is confirmed dead. He may have been flying it.
  2. It's not clearly someone walking into the photograph? It lacks context when posted on a message board.
  3. I make threats like it's going out of style (not spanking-related).
  4. The whole chain is closing. Although they are being purchased by another company, so they may reopen.
  5. NSFW: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/jor...bregas/gpen.gif
  6. I'll have Reni write up a recommendation. What kind of website(s)?
  7. Extra-large pulsating brain. Negligible body odor.
  8. I'm nobody's Greek and nobody's uncle, so far as I know. I can edit, but I think I used to be able to stealthly edit (no JorgeFabregas edited at...)
  9. That's a good story, but how furious are you about the line changing below the monkey?
  10. They seemed to have gotten rid of the gold/silver membership system. Calm down people.
  11. He got a nosebleed or something and said his teeth hurt. He seemed upbeat about it. I'm guessing he was concussed.
  12. http://asia.news.yahoo.com/061009/ap/d8kl919g0.html
  13. You eat worms, Todd? 'Course I eat worms! They're l-l-like little free steaks floatin' in the earth!
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