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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. The illest dictator around just does not give a fuck about such petty things.
  2. Extended sickness + tonsilitis = get checked for mono.
  3. The Hall of Fame lets players give input, but they do not have the final say as to what cap they wear. Besides, he has a beef with Kenny Williams, not the team. The feelings aren't all that hard between them.
  4. Did they choke? I thought they just came up against the best pitching staff in baseball.
  5. Yankee elimination day is a virtual national holiday.
  6. Yes. Port forwarding shouldn't have much to do with your actual computer. It requires tinkering with the router and assigning your computer a static IP address from the router (that part you have to do on your computer), but that's it. Are you on a router, or do you just have your computer hooked up directly to the modem?
  7. Kumquat, starfruit, and panapen medley.
  8. I kinda sorta know a producer at that radio station (friend of my mother's), but it is not Ira Glass.
  9. There appear to be many kids, not one. http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2006/1..._more_form.html Hastert is not responsible for all of the behavior of his fellow representatives and party members. However, if he was informed that something untoward was going on (it's not clear exactly what he knew, only that he knew something. The former chief of staff for Rep. Reynolds says he told Hastert's chief of staff about Foley's conduct years ago, but Hastert's aide denies it), then it's his ethical responsibility to deal with it as the leader of his party's representatives. He does not have the e
  10. Anybody played this? I think it's pretty cool. http://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/63
  11. I'd like to see the ghost of Ivan Calderon tapdancing on top of an outfield wall and catching flyballs.
  12. Where's Dr. Ian Malcolm when you need him?
  13. I was just quoting an infamous poster on the White Sox board. It was made a year and some months ago.
  14. Those whom dare to challenge the bulls should be horsewhipped in the opinion of this humble horsemaster. An affront to national dignity should be served in kind with a physical retaliation of the ultimate caliber. Could it be, though action is appealing to rather than none, complete factoids should be believed to write the book of love with intents nevermore malicious and delicious. And blessed be the children, who dream of love and whispers that sail upon the wind with every mention of the chicago bulls, until life do us bring together in the realm of phantasy. Creation is for the young and e
  15. Are you saying that Jane is racist?
  16. I didn't get the impression from Drudge that, were they a prank, Foley was in on it. There's something there, otherwise he wouldn't have resigned.
  17. Wouldn't that already be resolved at character and fitness, or were you thinking you might have drummed some up since then?
  18. I don't see any harm in going to the interview to see what it is. Just don't pay for anything and don't agree to sell anything or to have someone come in to your friends' and familes' homes and try to sell them something.
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