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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. One-dimensional. DBoon is a veritable renaissance man in comparison.
  2. I'm becoming a fan. I'm going to let it all hang out with IRememberDBoon. Hopefully he will hook me up with Boca Burgers and dinner salads with honey-mustard dressing.
  3. Knowing very little about you or about that job, I think you would like it.
  4. That's the song that came up when I turned on my MP3 player.
  5. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/52981
  6. If he invokes his no-trade clause, I think we can settle on a beverage to be named later.
  7. Joe Crede hit into three double plays today. He's been hitting so badly lately that it's almost certain his back is hurting him (he spent some games off not too long ago). Good thing Ozzie wouldn't think about playing a stud third baseman call-up in a crucial game when Crede was 1 for his last 19 (and now 1 for 23 or some such).
  8. Caliber, the vendor in my avatar was just on TV hawking cotton candy!
  9. Well, the third basemen with the two best range factors in the game are playing against each other tonight.
  10. If you grow the beard, it's ok with me. Actually, the beard indicates being married, but I'm not sure anyone knows that and I'd just prefer if you'd grow the beard just the same.
  11. No, because 14-inch tall men who live in toilet tanks are creepy.
  12. She doesn't know about him. He's real quiet unless I give him the codeword. Edit: I'm sure she'd drown him if she found out.
  13. He hasn't much choice. I don't let him out all that much. Small poopies, though, so they just drain under the stopper and are swept into the bowl and down with the rest of the stuff.
  14. I have a 14-inch tall Ron Cey clone that hangs out in the toilet tank. I let him drink sometimes.
  15. I don't think that's how it works. They don't really want anything but money, right? Anyway, I'll never go to strip club. I'm with A-man on this one.
  16. You know what I'd like more of? Semen. Thanks, Beltmann!
  17. Re: Ticket sales and that sort of thing, I don't think it's as calculated as all that. I've heard that she just really likes the attention. Then there's this: Exhausted, but exhilirated, in New Orleans The 09/20/04 show in New Orleans was one of the most unique experiences of my life. I want to tell you about it. I was debating whether to make the hour-and-a-half drive alone, but I just knew when I saw a listing that Cat Power would be playing at The Parish in the House of Blues, I know there was no way I could let the opportunity pass me by, and I'm so glad I went. The first glim
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