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Posts posted by bböp

  1. Tally Hall


    Guess they couldn't get those hometown faves OK Go.


    Black Kids

    Black Lips


    I've been waiting for these two to be on the same bill. Now if they could just get the Black Angels, Black Mountain and the Black Keys!


    Newton Faulkner


    Awesome, lol. Solo Bohemian Rhapsody here we come!

  2. Jun 6 2008 8:00P The Nels Cline Singers @ The Paramount Charlottesville, North Carolina

    Jun 8 2008 8:00P The Nels Cline Singers @ La Sala Rossa Montreal


    Charlottesville sure is strange.


    Definitely strange since it's in Virginia. :lol


    That is a pretty bearish drive from Virginia to Montreal, though. They do have an off-day in between, but I'm guessing a lot of that will be spent in the car/van. :yucky

  3. Holy shit, Dunja...Not sure how I missed this for so long. What a traumatic thing! I can't imagine what was going through your mind when you heard about the accident, but I'm so glad to hear that Tara is going to be OK! Thank God. Please pass along my best wishes for a speedy speedy recovery! :yes

  4. The printed setlist had The Lonely 1 preceding Spiders in the second encore, which would have been pretty awesome had it been done. A solid show, nonetheless, considering the seated venue. I personally thought there might be a little more Mermaid stuff in Welly, but I guess they're sticking to mostly post YHF material, considering these are the first full-length shows they've done in NZ.


    And the banter about the post-Easter tradition of wearing your metal T-shirts was hilarious, considering you couldn't walk around town for five minutes yesterday without seeing either an Ozzy or KISS shirt. Personally, though, I was hoping for a Bret Michaels or Rikki Rockett sighting. :pirate

  5. For Wilco's first "real" (i.e. non-festival) show in New Zealand, the setlist was as follows:


    Sunken Treasure

    You Are My Face

    Muzzle of Bees

    Handshake Drugs

    War on War

    Side With The Seeds

    A Shot in the Arm

    Radio Cure

    Shake It Off

    Pot Kettle Black

    Impossible Germany

    Via Chicago

    California Stars

    Forget the Flowers

    Jesus, etc.


    I'm The Man Who Loves You



    On and On and On

    Spiders (Kidsmoke)


    Hate It Here


    The Late Greats


    Actually, I saw on a printed setlist that after The Late Greats, the show was supposed to conclude with the trio of Red-Eyed and Blue>I Got You (At The End of the Century)>Outtasite (Outta Mind), but those didn't get played (perhaps for time reasons). Still, no sign of the technical problems that plagued them at the Bluesfest the previous evening and the BM Centre was a pretty nifty little place to see a show -- both general admission and reserved seating, low stage, no barricade and a total capacity of about 1,100.

  6. A Shot in the Arm

    Radio Cure

    You Are My Face

    Impossible Germany

    Handshake Drugs

    Pot Kettle Black

    Side with the Seeds

    She's a Jar


    Was I (In Your Dreams)

    Forget the Flowers

    A Magazine Called Sunset

    Jesus, etc.

    Too Far Apart

    I'm Always In Love

    I'm The Man who Loves you

    Poor Places>

    Spiders (Kidsmoke)


    On & On & On


    Hate It Here

    Can't Stand It

    Casino Queen

    I'm A Wheel

    Hoodoo Voodoo

  7. hi, paul!!! :wave


    i saw you from a distance in line before the show, but i didn't say hi because i'm strangely shy like that.


    hope iowa treated you well!


    oh, kara...i thought i saw you as well, but it was freezing and i didn't make it over to see for sure. don't be strangely shy next time! sorry to hear you had trouble with security.


    to be honest, i still think val air is a pretty cool place for a show

  8. it's killing me to have to leave town and miss the TWO SHOWS they are playing this weekend.


    i'm gonna have to find a coachella ticket now. :pirate


    so glad you had a good time, evonne! i take it the parish was just a slightly better venue than the verizon? haha.


    coachella! :dancing


    (p.s. if you hear about anyone trying to unload a decent ticket for radio city, let me know... :ninja )

  9. Complete setlist for the Val Air show:


    Ashes of American Flags

    Remember The Mountain Bed

    You Are My Face

    Muzzle of Bees

    Handshake Drugs

    Cars Can't Escape

    Pot Kettle Black

    A Shot in the Arm

    Side With The Seeds

    She's a Jar

    Impossible Germany

    California Stars (dedicated to John Doe and band)

    Summer Teeth

    A Magazine Called Sunset

    Via Chicago

    Jesus, etc.


    I'm The Man Who Loves You


    Hate It Here


    Passenger Side

    Heavy Metal Drummer

    Red-Eyed and Blue>

    I Got You (At The End of the Century)


    Outtasite (Outta Mind)


    I'm A Wheel

  10. Before I collapse, a brief report...


    Cain's Ballroom is the coolest! Tonight was a very fun, loose show. Jeff took voice steroids! :pirate


    Ashes of American Flags was soundchecked and was on the setlist, but not played. The Lonely 1 was also slated to be the closer, but they rocked it out instead.


    Here was the setlist:


    You Are My Face

    Muzzle of Bees

    One By One

    California Stars

    Impossible Germany

    Handshake Drugs

    I'm Always In Love

    A Shot in the Arm

    Side With The Seeds

    She's a Jar

    Jesus, etc.

    Pick Up The Change

    Airline to Heaven

    Forget the Flowers

    At My Window Sad and Lonely

    Hotel Arizona

    War on War

    Via Chicago

    The Late Greats


    Hate It Here

    Heavy Metal Drummer


    I'm The Man Who Loves You

    Red-Eyed and Blue>

    I Got You (At The End of the Century)


  11. I think someone posted a setlist in the webcast thread in Just A Fan, but here it is for good measure (and I was fortunate to be at the show, so I was able to see when the Total Pros were playing, which might not always have come through over the Internet):


    (Was I) In Your Dreams (w/Total Pros horns)

    Pieholden Suite w/TPs; Nels on banjo and tambourine)

    You Are My Face

    Company In My Back

    Impossible Germany

    Handshake Drugs

    A Shot in the Arm

    Pot Kettle Black

    Side With The Seeds

    Pick Up The Change

    Hesitating Beauty

    Jesus, etc.

    Heavy Metal Drummer


    A Magazine Called Sunset

    Too Far Apart


    Walken (w/TPs)

    I'm The Man Who Loves You (w/TPs)


    What Light (w/TPs)

    Hate It Here (w/TPs; dedicated to Tony Sansone-Pat's dad, I believe.)

    The Thanks I Get (w/TPs)

    Just A Kid


    Outtasite (Outta Mind)

    Casino Queen

    I'm A Wheel

    The Late Greats (w/TPs)


    A couple of notes:

    The first third or so of the set was kind of derailed by Jeff's run-ins with a jackass down front. I'm pretty sure he was one of the guys wearing the misspelled "John Stirot's Fan Club" T-shirts that both Jeff (and John Doe) ridiculed. He was apparently recording with a handheld camcorder and Jeff saw it and literally leaned out into the crowd and took it away from him. The guy got it back after the show, but you've got to be kidding me. That was after "You Are My Face." Then, right before Pick Up The Change, the guy started heckling Jeff or something and they basically got into a brief back-and-forth. Anyway, that was weird.


    This was sadly the last show for the Total Pros, as Jeff mentioned. The DVD crew said they'll be at the Tulsa show and that's it for them (no Houston or Des Moines).


    John Doe's set absolutely killed tonight. I just loved the orginal stuff they played, including the great "The Golden State," and "Hwy. 5" which I don't think I had seen them play yet on this tour (edit: I had, but it's still a great song). And then the covers...they did Joni Mitchell's A Case of You (which I hadn't been fortunate to see yet) and of course just tore the place up with Nels' help on their set-ending version of the Stones' "Gimme Shelter." And on top of that, we got the New World-Revolution segue as well.

  12. Reporting for duty... :thumbup


    They do it late down here in the Big Easy. Show didn't end until past 1 a.m. Much beer was consumed, and Jeff commented on the apparently large quantity of weed being smoked.


    Tip's, of course, is tiny and great. The Total Pros actually had to play from the balcony because the stage was too small to fit everyone. They set up in the balcony, stage left, which made for kind of a weird arrangement. Watching John's family and friends in the balcony during "It's Just That Simple" was very cute.


    DVD filming was in full effect.


    Celebrity sighting: John C. Reilly.



    (Was I) In Your Dreams (w/Total Pros horns)

    The Late Greats (w/TPs)

    I'm Always In Love

    A Shot in the Arm

    At Least That's What You Said

    You Are My Face

    Side With The Seeds

    Box Full Of Letters

    Airline to Heaven

    California Stars (w/TPs; dedicated to John Doe)

    Impossible Germany

    Via Chicago

    Blood of the Lamb (w/clarinet only)

    Forget The Flowers

    Someday Soon

    Summer Teeth

    Jesus, etc.

    Walken (w/TPs)

    I'm The Man Who Loves You (w/TPs)


    It's Just That Simple

    Hate It Here (w/TPs)

    Can't Stand It (w/TPs)

    Kingpin ["livin' in New Orleans"]

    Red-Eyed and Blue>

    I Got You (At The End of the Century)

    Monday (w/TPs)

  13. There's a reason I'm not a music critic, so here's my entirely worthless review of last night's show:


    :wub Zooey is beautiful, her voice is amazing, and I liked the songs, on first hearing. M. didn't sing much; duets on some covers, but not much on the originals. I was kind of expecting the whole thing to be more duet-y, which I think I might have preferred, but it seems to be a showcase for her voice as much as anything else.


    Not much chatting with the crowd, the best bit of banter came from an audience member, a woman who yelled "You're lovely!" Then when Zooey said "Ooh, thanks... Wait, do you mean me or Matt?", she answered "Matt!"


    Oh, I thought it was 'You're dreamy..." but either way, it was hilarious. :lol


    I haven't heard any leaks of the record or anything, but Zooey's voice is quite charming and surprisingly powerful live. In terms of the original stuff, it sounded pretty good but I'd need a few more listens to evaluate the songwriting. It did seem like the whole "She and Him" project was very much a showcase for her, though, with Matt there in more of a supporting/confidence boosting role. They played about 40-45 minutes in all, including a brief two-song encore.


    P.S. Great to see you, Maud!

  14. Bbop has a picture of Nels with the shiny brand new (I mean really new, there was not so much as a fingerprint on it) double-necked guitar, and he'll post it shortly. Besides bringing a little Van Halenesque je ne sais quoi, it really sounded beautiful. It was kinda breathtaking actually but then I feel that way about Nels' playing pretty often.


    Better late than never...





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