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Posts posted by bböp

  1. SryJU4S.jpg


    It's officially Big Show Season, not that I necessarily saw this co-headline bill coming or this many dates. But hope to make at least a handful. That Aug. 29 date in Chicago conflicting with the Stapleton/Isbell/Highwomen show at Wrigley is annoying, though. Like a lot of people, probably, I had already bought tickets for that one. Ugh.


    Cool that they got NNAMDÏ to open most of the shows, though. Talented young Chicago-based multi-instrumentalist who has has played with Spencer in his band and filled in on drums with Ohmme, among other Tweedy/WIlco connections, and has a fairly buzzed-about new record called Brat out now.

  2. Portland Night 2 March 24. Ended up with two extra tickets. Great seats! Section B, row D, seats 1-2. Because I'm an out of towner my tickets are will call only, so we'll meet outside the venue before the show. Asking for what I paid, $180 USD OBO.

    Some friends might be looking. Can we discuss in the ‘Peg on Wed.?

  3. Amid all of the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus and talk of lockdowns and quarantines and cancellations, Wilco got the latest leg of its ongoing Ode To Joy tour underway on a Monday night before a sold-out but mostly respectful crowd in Wisconsin’s capitol city.


    How far west the band will be able to continue performing in the coming weeks remains to be seen, but at least in Madison, the worldwide turmoil was forgotten for a couple of hours as Jeff and Co. blazed through a solid, if unspectacular, set that was only halted by an apparent 10:30 p.m. curfew.


    More to come, but for now, here was the complete setlist as played (there were no changes from the printed list):


    Bright Leaves

    Before Us

    I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

    War On War

    One and a Half Stars

    Handshake Drugs

    Side With The Seeds


    White Wooden Cross

    Via Chicago

    Laminated Cat (aka Not For The Season)

    Random Name Generator


    California Stars

    Impossible Germany

    Jesus, etc.

    Love Is Everywhere (Beware)

    Box Full Of Letters

    Everyone Hides


    I’m The Man Who Loves You

    Hold Me Anyway




    Outtasite (Outta Mind)

  4. Wilco and Sleater-Kinney at Forest Hills Stadium, NYC on August 22. Tix on sale March 13.


    Kind of a curve ball with the August date. Was thinking maybe something in May given the Live From Here show, but I'm always wrong when with these guesses.

    Interesting. This seems to maybe hint at some bigger summer shows on the way, what with the September TBT run and now this one. Seems like a good bet Philly will also get something along these lines, since they haven’t played there for OTJ yet. The Mann, perhaps? Hopefully not Camden.
  5. Yeah I saw that too. Looks like it's a Record Store Day "First" so it should get a wider release days/weeks/months later.


    The Jay Bennett Palace at 4AM record is also getting a RSD release.

    Oh, that’s cool about P4AM. That’ll be a nice one to finally get on vinyl.

  6. Sorry for the necro-bump but didn't think this was worthy of making its own thread. For those still not over the frustration of trying to track down Warmer last spring, I have good news! The RSD UK listings have leaked and unless something is NA exclusive, or gets added last minute, it appears there will be no Wilco releases this year. After last year, I am happy with this.

    Looks like the Wilcovered Uncut comp is gonna be one of the RSD releases. I saw it pop up on the Rough Trade (US) list, anyway...



  7. Have to imagine these shows might get postponed

    Really? Are all/most shows in Seattle currently being postponed or canceled? Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), I had to skip the Seattle Wilco shows on this upcoming run anyway, so it doesn’t affect my plans but I was just curious.

  8. For the one of you that might be interested, Haley Heynderickx’s set:


    The Water is Wide (Seeger)

    Oregon Trails (Guthrie)

    My Peace (Guthrie)

    Drinking Song

    Bug Collector

    Rambling Woman

    Thanks, man! (And for the report on Jeff’s set as well. Haha). It sounds like kind of a weird night, but sounds like Jeff’s banter and getting to see Haley made it worth the trip. I hope so, at least...
  9. I saw Jeff (solo) open for Patti Smith at the Riv in November 1998. Jeff was great. Patti was other-worldly.

    Ok, I figured he must’ve played there at least once. That one’s not in any databases (at least not the setlist), though I at least see the entry for the show in setlist.fm. It was Nov. 22, 1998. Thanks for the clarification.

  10. I wonder why they just dropped two Fillmore performances out of nowhere like that? I would have thought they would have announced this with the rest of the March shows a few months ago.

    Two? Just the one, I think, right? Stop messing with me. They already screwed up my dinner plans once that week! (Yes, this is where I’m at vis à vis Wilco in 2020...don’t @ me.)


    But yes, the Fillmore is pretty great and I’m pretty sure second to the Riv in terms of full-band performances and creeping up. This will be, I think, the 17th Wilco show at the Fillmore, compared with something like 24 for the Riv. (Interestingly, I don’t think Jeff has ever performed solo or with anyone other than Wilco at the Riv unless it was a cameo or at a benefit or something like that, while he has done more than a handful of solo and Tweedy band gigs at the Fillmore.)

  11. That probably means something different than it would have meant a few years ago. :pirate Now I think it's cargo shorts and a hoodie, so... maybe!!

    Haha, I hadn’t even thought of the possibilities! Well, I eagerly await whatever might come...B)

  12. 85083462_10158058569670421_8641165846669


    Kacy and Clayton opening for Wilco in Winnipeg, since there's no Saskatchewan shows that sort of almost makes it a home town show for them... nice.

    Will you wear a Canadian tuxedo in their honor? B)

  13. I know there are some Ohmme fans on here, so for them, here was their complete setlist, as played:


    You, Your Face



    Cloudbusting [Kate Bush]




    I thought it was pretty ballsy of them to spend nearly a third of their allotted time on a deep cut off their first record. And I was especially glad to hear their version of Cloudbusting, which I hadn't before. Love those guys. :thumbup

  14. At the risk of sounding overdramatic, as a longtime fan and follower of Wilco's exploits, this was a bittersweet show for me to have the good fortune to attend. On one hand, it represented the culmination of a week in Mexico that felt like potentially the beginning of a new era for the band — or, after taking so long to perform south of the border, at least the opening of a new frontier in a way. But at the same time, another era was ending as the band said goodbye to one of the longest-tenured members of its tight-knit crew and who's ever good at goodbyes?


    Full disclosure: I had gotten wind of the impending retirement/departure of Matrix (aka Matthew McNamara) a few days before, or else this post would probably be even more bittersweet. However you slice it, though, it's not easy to bid farewell to someone who's been such a fixture on stage with Jeff and Wilco for the better part of 13 years. Matrix was not only Jeff's primary guitar tech — and there really haven't been a ton of people who have filled that role in the lifespan of the band, if you think about it — but also the stage manager. So to learn that he was soon to be leaving the band to spend more time with his family and whatever lies ahead was definitely a dose of reality.


    Jeff formally shared the news with the audience at the Teatro Metropólitan midway through the first song of the encore, Kingpin. When the "How can I?" part kicked in and the crowd had reacted a couple of times, Jeff paused and said, "We're gonna say goodbye to someone very special." He beckoned Matrix over to the front of the stage, said he had been with the band for 12 1/2 years and was heading off into "retirement" after this show and gave him a hug as Matrix waved to the crowd and walked back over to his station. Then the band continued with the song, encouraging the crowd to yell "Goodbye!" instead of the usual screaming after "How can I?" ("It almost works," Jeff quipped.) And then at the final "How can I?" Jeff changed the lyric to "How can I say goodbye to you/when I don't know what to do?" It was all very endearing, and Jeff reassured the audience one last time by joking afterward, "Don't worry, he's going to a farm. He's gonna have lots of room to roam around."


    Knowing that this was going to be Matrix's last show with the band made a few other observations more poignant and/or humorous over the course of the show. Such as when Jeff had to stop and restart Box Full Of Letters due to an out-of-tune guitar and looked over in Matrix's direction and jokingly yelled off-mike, "You're fired!" And when virtually the entire crew went over to his station just before the start of the show and they could be seen huddling and doing a celebratory shot. And when Matrix and Jeff shared one final hug before A Shot in the Arm just after Matrix had walked out to hand Jeff a guitar for the last time (and Matrix and Nels shared a fist bump as the former walked back to his station).


    As for the show itself, Wilco played a pretty long one — 29 songs and about 2 hours, 25 minutes — that mostly reverted to the Ode To Joy/greatest hits script with a few notable exceptions. Kingpin, of course, as well as Can't Stand It and Spiders (Kidsmoke) were played after recently returning to the setlist at the Sky Blue Sky festival and Winterlude residency, respectively. And the latter also got some help at the tail end from Sima Cunningham and Macie Stewart of support act Ohmme, who Jeff waved on stage to help with the "bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah" singing riff that has been a part of the song in recent years. Cunningham and Stewart, who opened the show with a roughly half-hour duo set that was their first performance in Mexico, also returned during the encore on California Stars and took the entire second verse on vocals without Jeff.


    Other highlights included a Mexican flag somehow materializing on Pat's side of the stage after Impossible Germany — I assume someone put or threw it up there — and Pat taking it all the way over to Nels' side as he was being applauded for his solo. (Of note to nerds, Nels actually broke a string after his lengthy solo on IG and had to quickly switch out to another guitar to finish the song.) The audience then broke into an "olé, olé, olé, Wilco, Wilco" chant as Nels put the flag first over his head and then draped it over a mike stand or something to his right. The flag also got used as a prop again later when Glenn ended up with it and held it up in front of his face as he stood up on his drum stool for his "rock star" move before I'm The Man Who Loves You.


    Jeff didn't pay many notable visits to Banter Corner outside of the farewell to Matrix, except to say something at the very start of the show in Spanish that he had clearly tried to rehearse but which I couldn't really hear too well. (I suspect it was that the band was excited to be here or something like that.) And a little over halfway through the show, he remarked in English that he hoped everyone was having a good time. "We've got more music to play for you," he said. "It took us a long time to get here, so we're gonna play as long as we can."


    The audience was pretty enthusiastic at the Teatro Metropólitan, which is a fairly cavernous 3,000-plus-seat theater in the bustling center of Mexico City. I don't think the show was totally sold out, but it seemed like there were enough tickets sold to at least conceive of another show here someday. And most of the audience stood from the start and remained standing throughout the show, at least that I could see, so that was good. The acoustics weren't the greatest — most of the show sounded pretty boomy to me, to be honest — but when you've been waiting for a band to perform somewhere for more than 25 years, that's probably a relatively minor complaint.


    Yes, it's taken Wilco a generation to finally embrace Mexico as a destination for its music and brand. But after the success of the inaugural Sky Blue Sky event, other events in Mexico City this week such as Nels and his wife Yuka C. Honda playing music as their side project Cup and an interview with Jeff about his book as well as this one-off Wilco show in CDMX, as the locals call it, it seems like the groundwork has been laid for a return sooner than later. I suppose the only fitting way to end this, then, would be to say...¡Viva Wilco!?


    Here was the complete setlist, as played (I didn't really get a good glimpse at a printed list, so I can't say if there were any changes, but I suspect not):


    Before Us

    I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

    War On War

    Handshake Drugs

    At Least That's What You Said

    One and a Half Stars

    Can't Stand It


    Via Chicago

    Bull Black Nova

    Random Name Generator


    Impossible Germany

    Jesus, etc.

    Love Is Everywhere (Beware)

    Box Full Of Letters (started and restarted)

    Everyone Hides

    Heavy Metal Drummer

    I'm The Man Who Loves You

    Hold Me Anyway


    Spiders (Kidsmoke) (electric arrangement) (w/Sima Cunningham and Macie Stewart of Ohmme on backing vocals)

    The Late Greats



    California Stars (w/Sima Cunningham and Macie Stewart of Ohmme on vocals)

    Red-Eyed and Blue>

    I Got You (At The End of the Century)>

    Outtasite (Outta Mind)

    A Shot in the Arm

  15. likewise paul, great to put a face to the person who is relentless with the excellent show recaps! YLT nailed it... they totally grooved on my favorite period of their discography.


    Look forward to reading your recap of SBS in due time (and seeing your photos, of course)! For what it's worth, I finally got around to finishing my blathering about the final night so anyone's who's interested can check it out above...

  16. JamBase cares ...


    It would be nice to park the thread until they miss their publishing deadline but that doesn't work in the internet age.


    Was also wondering how messy the tequila tasting with John and Nels got?


    JamBase sometimes cares, but only about the bust outs...you know how it goes. So thank you for being a loyal audience no matter how mediocre the material.


    Re: the mezcal tasting, I only walked by briefly so can't truly attest — not to mention that the mezcal I've had in the past tasted like petrol to me — but I'm sure plenty of imbibing was done in my stead. Anyway, messiness is a decidedly relative thing at these sorts of all-inclusives.

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