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Welsh Rich

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Posts posted by Welsh Rich

  1. Right then - big games this weekend. I'm REALLY hoping Wales can beat Ireland and, well, kinda hoping the French turn up and scare, possibly beat, England.


    NZ should beat an under-strength Argentina side whilst the SA v Aus game is going to be too tight to call...

  2. Yes... this seemed to, actually, be a way of setting things up for the next season rather than finishing this one. The Tesselector was a bit of a cop-out, i'd prefer the Flesh version really. And agree, as he didn't die anyway, how did Time sort itself out?


    Hmmmm. I do get the feeling this wasn't much of ending, more a bigger beginning for the 50th...

  3. I think the last episode will certainly be jammed pack with *stuff*... there's a lot of unanswered questions. Really enjoyed the last two episodes (been away on holiday and watched them back to back last night). Think the Cyberman were a little rubbish, seemed tact-on... I think a lot of the "wins" this season have had little to do with the Doctor as such, but making people (his companions or, erm, partners) believe in themselves. As if he's ready to leave the people he usually saves save themselves...


    I think the "Flesh" is a bit of a red herring and plot device, and having the Master controlling it would take the focus off of the Silence who for the past two series have been ramping up as the big bad. It would surprise me if the Master came back.


    If you look at the company name responsible for The Flesh, it *looks* wrong... I've been trying to work out if it's an anagram of something...


    I'm still of the opinion that the "real" Doctor isn't in the Tardis. Where he is, well, I guess trying to find his way back...

  5. Agreed.


    Also - and I was reading about this and was thinking the same, we've had two episodes now where the Doctor has failed to regenerate when he could have done so - he had to rely on River in the Hitler episode and this week he said he couldn't... I'm just wondering if we've got the "Flesh" Doctor in the Tardis at the moment...


    It's all very great. I'm still convinced the company who set up the Flesh is Master related...

  6. I thought it was good, but had too many off those "timey-wimey" things that neatly put things together.


    Certainly the "death" of the Doctor and the regenerations thing was a bit too obvious and ensures River Song can't "come back" so to speak.


    Anyway - I'm still hopeful for some more interesting things to occur yet...


    Me either. My brother hyped it big-time to me but it just wasn't "me." I'm sure he's diggin' this new one.





    I really gave this one a good listen during my exercise time today and I don't think it's as good as everyone else thinks it is. I really liked his last one and kind of dig the guitar noodling. It seems the album drags towards the last half.


    The Jicks LP seems far too long for me... if he could cut it down to about 10 tracks he'd have made a killer.

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