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REM hit the studio with Jackson Lee

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The thing with the Dublin tracks is that they are live. They are always(at least in my experience) pretty dynamic live. Even the stuff from the newer albums come across with more energy live. I'm hopeful the energy will follow through to the studio.

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The thing with the Dublin tracks is that they are live. They are always(at least in my experience) pretty dynamic live. Even the stuff from the newer albums come across with more energy live. I'm hopeful the energy will follow through to the studio.


excellent point.

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Anyone else surprised by the live album? A visit back to the Around the Sun Tour is not what I was expecting after the Dublin rehearsals. Maybe the live versions of the ATS songs will help me get into them, although "Leaving New York" sounds as boring on the DVD trailer as it does on the record.

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Around the Sun was very bland...what my exgirlfriend would call "Dad rock" (sorry to the dads on the board). I loved Up and Reveal though.

Well eff her....I am a dad and I didn't buy it even USED.... :lol :lol



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I love REM more than any other band and I have been sadly disappointed in the output since Bill left the band. Some stuff on each album was ok but the majority of the music on the three albums was bland to say the very least. Bill was such an important figure in REM.They still put on a great live show but now seem to be living on their laurels. This generation's Rolling Stones...great live shows and disappointing studio albums. A very sad way to go, they would have been better off calling it a day.



that much is true...........they are that big and important for their generation...........but I have to disagree 100% with the rest of that statement..........Up was amazing.........Around the Sun was very good imo.............and Reveal was alright.........my least fav of the last 3..........since I have been a fan imo they have not made a bad album.........I go back to the mid or late 80's.........the thing about REM is they do the records the way they want to do it..........and I have give them credit for always standing their ground..........plus the amount of artists they have inspired over the years is just plain crazy..........one of the most important bands of the last 25 years or so without question!

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Been big fan of R.E.M. since early days and seen every tour of theirs since 84 Reckoning Tour.


I fall into the boat of liking R.E.M.'s records with Bill Berry in the band and my least favorites are the 3 Post-Berry records and I do agree that "Around The Sun" was the first CD of thiers that after one listen I wasn't too impressed with. There have been well document interviews in recent memory that highlighted what Bill Berry brought to the writing and recording process of the band so I won't delve too deeply into on this post but one thing that really stood out to me was when MTV (when they still played music!) had an "UP" live music release show where they interviewed the 3 remaining band members and asked "What was different with Bill Berry not there in the Studio with you?" and either Buck or Mills said Bill was the band member that after writing a new song would always ask them "Where is the hook to the song?" Obviously, "Up" and "Reveal" missed that built in band member "edit" process to tighten up songs, and Buck/Mills obvious adoration to Beach Boys creative, melody music process were free to explore those avenues, especially on "Reveal". "ATS", Buck said it best that they had a great background to make a good political/reactive record, but it didn't come out that way once they recorded the Album because "it dragged on too ong and they thought too much".


So it's great to see them get back to "basics" and make live music with guitar/bass/drums like they did in the I.R.S. days.


Go to youtube.com and type in "R.E.M. Dublin 2007" and there will be many live videos of the new songs they are working on. Besides sounding like a guitar driven "live" band again, it was extremely great to hear Mike Mill's background harmony vocals on ALOT of the new songs, which I always thought was the secret weapon to the early records, (think "Pretty Perusuason")


Anyhow, don't mean to sound negative on this post about post-Berry recordings, but I'm a true longtime fan and just wanted to give honest opinion from somebody who has been with them since the beginning....and I still went and saw them multiple times that last 3 tours (twice during UP, twice during greatest hits, and twice during AOS).


Can't wait for the newer Rocker from the boys from Athens :guitar

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I'm a true longtime fan and just wanted to give honest opinion from somebody who has been with them since the beginning

Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but you seem to be implying that none of the other opinions in this thread are honest or come from such a person. :unsure

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