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I check FAQ's and directions on how to work it, but I could not find an easy applicable way of playing files.


For instance, I downloaded a file that is FLAC. I have Winamp, but I can't play in via it. So I am wondering what I need to play the file or what I need to do?

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I use xACT and I'm on a Mac it converts my FLAC files into WAV and then I just convert them further into MP3 on iTunes. Works out pretty nicely.


Does xACT work on Windows?

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Use the FLAC Frontend to create WAVs ("Decode"). Then turn the WAVs into whatever you want, using whatever program you want.


Why do I feel like I've explained this half a dozen times in the last month? Oh. Because I have. :stunned

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Okay, so I downloaded this nelscline-glennkotche2007-02-26flac.16.torrent from dime a dozen, and I tried to decode it in Flac Frontend, but it says I cannot because flac.exe not found.

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Okay, so I downloaded this nelscline-glennkotche2007-02-26flac.16.torrent from dime a dozen, and I tried to decode it in Flac Frontend, but it says I cannot because flac.exe not found.


You'll notice that file is very small, maybe like 12kb or something. You need to download a bittorent client (may i suggest BitTornado?) and then open the .torrent file and choose a path to save it to. You also need to make sure your internet connection is configured properly to use bittorent. If you are firewalled, i.e. using a router or behind a software firewall (they put them on in Windows XP nowadays I believe), you'll need to open specific ports in your connection and tell the bittorent client to use those ports when downloading the file. This will allow you to have a good download and upload speed. This is all kinda complicated for a beginner, and because I'm sure this half-ass explanation won't suffice, there are plenty of online guides out there that I am sure someone can point you to.


Ok, have I lost you yet?


So now that you are successfully downloading this torrent and you finish it up (make sure to stay on and continue to upload to other people ;)), you will have a folder full of .flac files, which are basically smaller .wav files, so they are lossless audio. Smaller than .wav files, but still pretty big in file size. Now is when you will use the flac frontend to decode to wav and then to mp3 if you like, that way you can put them on your ipod or listen with winamp. Alternatively, you can install plug-ins for winamp to listen to your flac files, but they are pretty big, you'd be better off converting to high bitrate mp3 and deleting the flac, your ears won't tell the difference I'm sure.


So to summarize the answer to your question, there is a little more of a process involved.

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