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Living Room Concerts with Jeff

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Guest ChooChooCharlie

Ok..Heres what I propose..and to quote our favorite Singer/Songwriter.."This is not a joke, so please stop smiling"


I'm looking for approximately 5 other singer/songwriters who share in my Rock N' Roll dream, the opportunity to play for a writer who has our sincere and utmost admiration..

The reason I want to keep the group relatively small is, Jeff Tweedy, God love him, has never struck me as the type of guy who would really have a lot of interest in sitting idle while others played their own tunes..Now, I don't know the man, so ya know..what do I know anyways, but we don't want to loose his interest through boredom.. I figure keeping the group small could alleviate some of that just in case..


As I said before, we can consider this like a musical "Roast" to show him the impression he's made on an entire generation of songwriters. After we're done with our serenade, he's takes over, does his solo set and everyones happy. If we really want to "Roast" him, I can ask some of the unemployed comedians in my building to come up with some schtick regarding things like revolving band members, Wilco records being stylistically all over the map, and the recent ever popular Volkswagen "shonda". Of course, Rat Packers, we sadly are not..So scrapping the Dean Martin-like Roast idea on account of lameness, can certainly be done :)


It looks like the winners of previous auctions pooled together about $20,000...Divided by 6 that's $3,333. If we add one more, it's about $2800

Edit: We can do it for less according to Cryptique's last post..


-If you have a good job and earn a nice living, use your Christmas bonus

-If you're just a kid living at home, ask your folks (didn't I read in here that someones mom paid for hotel and airfare for Bonnaroo..If you're an aspiring young songwriter, this is more gratifiying)

-If you are a working stiff like me with decent credit...Use it--It's priceless

In the scheme of a lifetime, the amount is really not that much when you break it down...


Ok...Who's down???

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  • 2 years later...

I'm thinking we should all pitch in buy jeff a plane ticket to Miami and we'll do the show in my house. We've got a big open living room with high cielings.

I would be willing to buy Jeff and Sue a ticket if I could watch them in sunny FL. I like this idea.

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With Wilco's busy schedule and all the time away from home, I'm guessing it's the time commitment rather than cost of travel that keeps these shows in the Chicago area. Jeff can fit them in while Wilco is on a break from touring since Jeff and Sue can just hop in the car and go, then be home later that evening. (Two members of our group were lucky enough to get a ride with Jeff and Sue this year. Pretty hilarious to have Jeff drive you somewhere, eh?)


But who knows . . . Say if you know that Wilco will be touring in your area . . . and they have a little break in their schedule . . . who knows . . . ? You'd have to talk to the Tweedys I guess.


Also, the other tricky thing is that these living room shows have been arranged through a charity auction that takes place in Chicago. A representative of the group had to be present and had to be ready to front the money then and there. That's the other thing you'd have to sort out.

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