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4th of July with Von

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You know I love it that I turn 18 because know I have no trouble to get into 18+ shows. But then it's like shit, there are still a lot of 21+ shows of bands or artists I want to see. I hate it!
Well in one year my daughter, who have been taking to shows since she was 15, turns 21. It will lessen the tension upon entering even the best of venues (the Hideout, Schubas) a great deal.


Most places with music serve alcohol, thus making the venue an adults only affair. So it goes. Alcohol and music go together and the sales of liquor is how clubs pay the musians. Of course many venues now discriminate against older patrons by not providing any seating, so the demographic for some live music is fairly narrow. (Interesting article on this issue in the Sunday Trib about the Richard Thompson show at Park West.)



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Wow..fun night...I don't know if this will take, so I am not writing more.LouieBOh it did.....wow..large contingent of VCers tonight.....thanks for comign out everyone. I am hung over...on 1.5 beers..lightweight. Von and the band were fun. Talked to Von a bunch. It was a fairly low key night and the second band was actually pretty good last night. Great place to spend a rainy night in Chicago. Let's do this again sometime soon.LouieB

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Sorry I missed it.

There will be another time I hope. Von is starting to show the years. At 85 he has lost a step or two since his 70s which were monumental (as were his 60s and 50s from what I saw.) Kris and I had an interesting conversation with him at the end of the night. Kris had been nice enough to download and burn me a CD of a show Von and Johnny Griffin did with a Dutch rhythm section in 1999. Great show of some standards and modern jazz material; good stuff. We played it on they way in the driving rain in a death defying trip down the Ryan.


When Von came he we said hello and chatted back and forth a bit. I mentioned that we had been listening to a show he did with Griffin and Von related how Johnny is not doing well in his villa near Paris, how the years have taken their toll. Von when on to play a pretty good set, with the band seeming to carry the ball more than usual (the band is very good as well, but they even seemed a touch off.) None of that really mattered because seeing Von is still a treat, one of the last of the great Chicago tenormen.


During the set Von gave me a short shout out about bringing a bunch of people and then in a strange turn of mind he began to talk about how people come and tape him and then sell his performances. I am not sure if he thought of this because of me telling him we listened to one of his performances, (the one Kris downloaded was a radio show and obviously free as everyone on this site knows....) The singers came and went and a second band took over and played pretty well. By that time most of us, even me, had had a bit to drink, the bar was moderately packed the place was like a private party with a bunch of folks you didn't really know, but all seemed pretty cool.


Everyone but Kris and I split and at 1:15 we decided it was time to leave too. By this time Von was esconced in the far end of the club sitting there chilling in his sun glasses. He was chatting up a couple young women and we slide past them to say goodnight and thank him. We chatted with Von a bit more, during which time he complained about his hearing getting bad on one side and then began to talk about people selling his recording and him not getting any money from it. We tried to explain that alot of performances are simplyl traded on the internet with no costs that would construe selling. Von was adament that some people print out 1000 copies of stuff and sell it. We said maybe so, but we wouldn't buy anything like that. It was late, Von was tired and Kris and I were half in the bag (well not so far for me, but I was starting to feel more hung over than anything.) So we bid him farewell, figuring that neither of us was going to be able to convince the other that trading recordings was or wasn't such a bad thing.



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he was more than a bit paranoid about the recording thing. but other than it, it was a great time with a good crowd of folks. Jeff and I got a kick out of the TV in the other lounge, it was tuned to the Soap network channel. 90210 was on, in this bar full of old dudes. awesome.

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I do remember from when we went a few months back that the guitar player was wicked good.
Actually the entire band it wicked good. Mike Raynor, the drummer is amazing as well. He is in two other groups, one that plays rock and one that plays country. I didn't know either one however.


Von's paranoia was stunning actually; which is why I wrote about it.


Let's do this again soon......I keep feeling like time is short for these gigs. I had fun as well...reallly great.



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Speaking of legendary Chicago jazz musicians, Johnny Frigo passed away yesterday. Another great loss. Not only was he a great violinist, but also a composer, bass player (he claimed to have played on more jingle sessions than anyone in history), poet and story teller. This is a great lose; hopefully others here had a chance to see him. He was great fun.



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