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Problem with traded cd-r's

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i think this is music-related, but here goes anyway...


i've traded quite a few cd's of Wilco etc. shows through VC, and have found that on a number of them, my cd player has trouble playing tracks in the middle of the cd. it doesn't seem to be able to find tracks after, say, track 2, although it will play the cd from start to finish if i don't stop it. i thought this might be because cd writers burning at high speed introduce more errors, so i started asking fellow traders to burn at the lowest speed possible, ie. 4x, but i still get some with this problem. it happens on unbranded and brand name cd's like TDK alike, and my cd player is not a cheapo job, it is a nice Marantz which sold for

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I've had this exact same trouble with the past few brands of CD-R's that I bought. They won't play in my non-factory CD player in my car which is currently the only CD player I own besides computer But they will play in friend's CD players, cars, etc. just fine. I've the same car player for about 5ish years and it never happened a couple of years ago. I still haven't figured out what the problem is - let me know if you find out! I hate not being able to jam out to mixed CD's that I make! I always have to burn them and then make someone else make a copy of it for me on their computer...annoying.

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They won't play in my non-factory CD player in my car which is currently the only CD player I own besides computer But they will play in friend's CD players, cars, etc. just fine.


I think that's probably the short answer right there.

Certain CD players just are very "forgiving," and others are not. My wife's car's CD player, for example, will play anything you throw in there, but mine will only play burned CDs if they're FujiFilms made in Japan ... and those sometimes won't start track 1 until I let them spin in silence for about 5 minutes. Even then, once I turn the engine off in the middle of the disc, when I start the car back up, it won't play.


Sucks, but until there's a way to put 100 gigs of music on an iPod and load it into my car stereo, I am SOL.

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I think that's probably the short answer right there.

Certain CD players just are very "forgiving," and others are not. My wife's car's CD player, for example, will play anything you throw in there, but mine will only play burned CDs if they're FujiFilms made in Japan ... and those sometimes won't start track 1 until I let them spin in silence for about 5 minutes. Even then, once I turn the engine off in the middle of the disc, when I start the car back up, it won't play.


Sucks, but until there's a way to put 100 gigs of music on an iPod and load it into my car stereo, I am SOL.



Bet you drive a Honda

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