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Peter Laughner.

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Anyone have that out-of-print Laughner demos collection? -- Take the Guitar Player For a Ride?

(Yes, that was him that Wilco was quoting on "Misunderstood".)


You know of any other Laughner collections out there? My copy of the one mentioned above has been trashed and, as it is out-of-print, I obviously have no access to a copy for less than $50-100.



Do you know the solo stuff, or just the Pere Ubu and Dead Boys tracks?

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Anyone have that out-of-print Laughner demos collection? -- Take the Guitar Player For a Ride?

At one point, that album was available through emusic.com. Not sure if it still is--things sort of come and go there sometimes. Plus, you need a subscription.

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Anyone have that out-of-print Laughner demos collection? -- Take the Guitar Player For a Ride?

(Yes, that was him that Wilco was quoting on "Misunderstood".)


You know of any other Laughner collections out there? My copy of the one mentioned above has been trashed and, as it is out-of-print, I obviously have no access to a copy for less than $50-100.



Do you know the solo stuff, or just the Pere Ubu and Dead Boys tracks?



In this day and age there is no reason to pay a bunch of money for out of print cds - dig around on the web - it is out there or rather probably something that one could have found on Oink.

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I bought that one years ago while it was still in print thankfully. I actually put that album on a lossless music site a year or two ago as it was out-of-print and all. I'm not sure, but it might still be available there (it's the one that starts with an Ex---.) I don't think invites are open there right now due to the crack down on such things, but if you're on there already I can always re-upload it if it's dead.

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