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Getting out of Dish Network

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OK, seeing if anyone have gotten out of the 18 month contract.


I just ordered Dish Network for my parents and signed a 18 month contract last month. They charge a penalty up to $240 or $13/month unused for early cancellation. Thinking DTV is better cause I used to use them and they were better to work with. With Dish Network, you cant just cancel DVR service, its linked with hardware and all kinds of other things make Dish Network worse.


Does anyone know if there is a loop hole to get out of the penalty?

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yeah, once you sign on the dotted line, you are pretty much stuck. I really despise these long term contracts. One year I understand - but 18-24 months? Pretty silly. Especially since the tech market is constantly changing and upgrading, and making what you sign for today a lot cheaper in a year.....this is, of course, why they rope you in.




I am really happy we got rid of our cable......I can honestly say the quality of my home life has improved.

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I am assuming you are doing "a bit" and being sarcastic - but I was speaking for myself. I am quite content with the rabbit ears - except they don't pick up PBS well and I love the show Frontline. I watch it online these days.


I loved having cable. I love watching political talking heads, mucho baseball, even some VH-1 reality shows. I was hesitant to cancel it, but we did because of budget issues. We signed on for a year at a dirt cheap rate and canceled when it was almost tripled. I am surprised at how much I like not having it. That's all I was saying.

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Many years ago I had no TV signal whatsoever--due largely to unique circumstances, not by choice--and I was surprised to discover that I didn't miss it at all. I did have a VCR hooked up to a TV, so I just ended up programming much more of my own viewing! That situation lasted about six months, and eventually cable was installed.

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i'm with you.. other than the NHL Centre Ice pkg., i barely watch the TV... couldn't really justify paying over 100 bucks a month on a bunch of channels i don't watch.. (i mean, how many times can HBO air Robocop2, Driving Miss Daisy and Mission Impossible III in the same month?)


bill went from 100+ dollars to about 30.00.

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I am assuming you are doing "a bit" and being sarcastic - but I was speaking for myself. I am quite content with the rabbit ears - except they don't pick up PBS well and I love the show Frontline. I watch it online these days.


I loved having cable. I love watching political talking heads, mucho baseball, even some VH-1 reality shows. I was hesitant to cancel it, but we did because of budget issues. We signed on for a year at a dirt cheap rate and canceled when it was almost tripled. I am surprised at how much I like not having it. That's all I was saying.


I also quit cable/sat a long time ago and dont miss it except for maybe some sports games, but overall feel better without it.


I have something better than rabbit ears, I still have one of those roof attenas in my attic. And ever since I got my HDTV, I have been getting digital reception. Blows away analog by a mile. plus i get 3 diff versions of 11 which is PBS of chicago.

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Whenever I don't have cable, I feel like I have been drummed out of the middle class. It's not a feeling I like.

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i just got dish network installed last week. primarily b/c of the big ten network (which is also on directv). i am super happy with it. picture quality beats cable. and, i got a free high def dvr that has a 500 gig hard drive. and, it also works for two other tvs in my house. so, 1 unit controls 3 tvs. as far as getting out of your deal? you have a 30 day "buyers remorse". so, if you call w/in 30 days of install and tell them to yank their hardware, you are OK.

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i just got dish network installed last week. primarily b/c of the big ten network (which is also on directv). i am super happy with it. picture quality beats cable. and, i got a free high def dvr that has a 500 gig hard drive. and, it also works for two other tvs in my house. so, 1 unit controls 3 tvs. as far as getting out of your deal? you have a 30 day "buyers remorse". so, if you call w/in 30 days of install and tell them to yank their hardware, you are OK.


Can you tell me more about the 30 day buyers remorse, i dont see anything about it on their website. Thanks.

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Just called them and they dont offer the 30 day risk free. I ordered straight from Dish Network and maybe the guarantee is from a third party seller. Anyways, I did talk to them more and got what I wanted. All I wanted was to cancel the DVR service which they gave me a hard time for. I guess I was talking to the wrong person. This lady gave me no problems.

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