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Von for Thanksgiving...

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I know this is tacky as hell, but as far as I can tell, Von Freeman is still doing Tuesdays at the New Apartment Lounge at 504 E. 75th St. in Chicago. I plan to go tomorrow November 20, so any Chicago or other VCers are welcome to join in the fun. Get there by 10 for a seat or later if you don't mind standing. As usual, this is free, but you do need to buy some drinks.


I suspect that Von won't be doing this too much longer, he is now about 85 and still going great, but who knows.



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Exactly...last night was closer to 11 and the place was nicely populated, although both Von and I were expecting a light crowd.


Despite the fact that the New Apartment's sign is down, things are still going on here on Tuesdays and I know I am a freak about this, but this is a scene not to be missed. I plan to go back around Christmas, which is always festive. Just to recap, Von and the guys (drums, bass{not the regular guy, but the replacement was excellent too}, and guitar) started at about 11, a bit later than usual, since Von dragged in late, but played as a combo until about 12:30 and then backed up a few singers until about 1:15 when we left (although there is always a jam afterwards by a whole different set of musicians until who knows when.) Von and the group were all excellent, particularly the guitar player, who seemed completely engaged and on fire.


Just the audience alone is worth the price of admission (which is free), since it is the most mixed and friendly group ever and Weezie the bartender for the last 25 years is back in place and that was nice to see also. Honestly, even if you aren't that much into jazz, when this type of jam is gone, it will be gone forever. Von just turned 85 and while I there are times he appears to miss a step or two, the guy can still really play some shit. There were a couple ballads done last night that between Von and the guitarist, were just plain heartbreakingly beautiful and the fast numbers weren't too shabby either.



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