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I know it's short notice, but if you're in the area and dig some rocking music....THIS is the way to go!!!



"rockfunkreggaeskajammyjazzband" www.myspace.com/subcommittee If you check out this link I highly suggest listening to "Midget Song" :rock


These lovely gentleman are playing their last show after 14 years together. They are going on an indefinite hiatus due to family issues.


I've been traveling down to NJ from MA for the past 3 years as much as possible to go catch them live. They put on a helluva show and are really great genuine people.


The cover's $12 or $10 if you bring a non-perishable item (collecting for a local food pantry):

Peanut Butter



Tomato Sauce

Macaroni and cheese

Tuna fish


Apple Sauce

Juice (non perishable)


Crackers (saltines, Ritz, triscuts)



EDIT: Sorry I didn't set that as a link :hmm , just copy/paste

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I know those dudes! We have played a few shows together and have a lot of common friends. They are a very good band.


So ya coming then?!?



this has nothing to do with Doug Stanhope. I feel cheated.


The bass player's name is Doug if that makes you feel better :P

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Can't go. Got my own gig.


Bummer! Have fun!!!




EDIT: Actually my friend and I will be looking for new bands to give us a reason to travel, maybe YOURS will be it!!! :D

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