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Thanks howdjadoo. I saw the links for Son of Dracula on the "For The Love Of Harry" site a while back, but I'm not a fan of MP3s so I passed on them. The version I have is a FLAC (lossless) version that is quite adequate sound wise (vinyl sourced I believe) so it's probably the best it will get until a retail release.

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:worship I watched the at-long-last-finally-released documentary "Who Is Harry Nilsson and Why Is Everybody Talking About Him" on DVD last night.


This is a very well made documentary. Lots of "extras" I haven't watched, except I did watch the piece with the London Symphony which was beautiful and made me wish he had toured back in the day. So, absolutely I highly recommend it to anyone. You can stream it for free on your computer with a Netflix membership, or it's just $15 on Amazon right now.


It moved me in so many ways. The contrast between the highs and the lows in Harry's life were profound when seen and described by real people in real interviews. And the stories his children told were touching. I had no idea he had 5 or 6 more children with Una. And I had no idea he was cleaned out financially by an unscrupulous personal adviser, and then started over again. I knew he had sort of lost his voice at one point, but I did not know how it happened. His friendship with and subsequent loss of Lennon was heartbreaking. Clearly I had been concentrating on listening and appreciating his music rather than investigating his backstory that deeply. What a life!


I will be buying the "Little Night Music" for my mom for Christmas (she watched the documentary with me, loved the old standards sung by Harry).


:wub :ohwell :worship



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I watched that one last week, even waded through all the extras (the only negative was the DVD menu didn't have a "Play All" option. Kinda stupid if you ask me. Anyhow...)


I knew a bit of Harry's backstory but this film definitely expanded that quite a bit. Anyone else wish that some of his friends expanded upon some of those wild Harry adventures they kept alluding too. Jimmy Webb mentions one where Harry borrowed a car from him in L.A. then called him from NYC days later telling him he's shipping the car back by rail. I'm sure these crazy adventures would make for some interesting stories. I would also have liked a bit more insight into Harry's songwriting, particularly info about the way he went about creating his music (they only scratched the surface on this one.) Overall this was a really good film so I can't complain too much. Hopefully more people discover the genius that was Nilsson through this film.

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Just saw the documentary and it was really well-done.

Wouldn't recommend it for anybody who is not already a fan or does not already have an interest in Harry. But for you fans, it is a pretty interesting look at the man, his life, and his music. A pretty sad story, for sure. But still a good view and good insight.

Sad that it seemed like he died just as he finally got to a happy place in his life. But, that's what years of abuse will do to you, I guess.

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