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What was the best sound quality show (source) from this recent tour?

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I was talking about the best recording, source. thanks.


Well, the matrix from the 2nd night of the Residence, mentioned here earlier in the week, is as good or better than the WXRT broadcast from the 19th. Both of those were seeded on Dime by nice folks, and I'm hanging on to hope (but not holding my breath!) that a 1st-night matrix might surface at some point, too. :)


As for aud's, I don't really have a lot of context to compare, but I have enjoyed the Des Moines recording by Ralph Bryant.

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The matrix (soundboard plus two audience sources) of 16 February (Residency night #2) is excellent.


Hmmm. To be honest, on my reference headphones, that one pales in comparison to this: Res nite 3 Neumann AK40 mics


Different show, but still. The AK40 recording has great ambience, clarity, and none of the bass muddiness. You can clearly hear audience conversations nearby...which is pretty annoying! (Why can't people STFU!?!!!)



(my bedroom setup = Winamp 5.32 -> ATH-W1000's)

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Hmmm. To be honest, on my reference headphones, that one pales in comparison to this: Res nite 3 Neumann AK40 mics


Different show, but still. The AK40 recording has great ambience, clarity, and none of the bass muddiness. You can clearly hear audience conversations nearby...which is pretty annoying! (Why can't people STFU!?!!!)



(my bedroom setup = Winamp 5.32 -> ATH-W1000's)


Yup, that's the recording I fetched from that night, and John Dewey did a great job. It's really something how good the audience recordings can sound as opposed to an average aud from 10-15 yrs ago (chatty neighbors notwithstanding), and how the taping community can cover just about an entire tour as standard procedure these days. Listeners have never been luckier.


Regarding the OP, I figured a lot of people will gravitate to a sbd or matrix to check out first, if there's a choice (including me).


Nice headphones! I'm using a pair of Sennheisers (http://www.sennheiserusa.com/newsite/productdetail.asp?transid=005206) that aren't in that league but that are a good mix of sound quality, portability for work trips, and still being able to hear what's going on if Lovey needs to tell me something from down the hall, etc.

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