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If you've got netflix subscription, you can also go that route -- some of their films can be watched online (don't know about this one) and don't count against your dvd list. If you are looking for a pirated/uploaded/free kind-of situation (and I'm not saying that you are -- you didn't specify your monetary expectations), the movie is copywrited material, and both the filmmaker and the band make (some) money from it. Most folks around here (myself included) frown on taking money out of the bands' pockets -- especially when they have been so generous with us fans in sharing a great deal of music for free.




It looks like the online viewing feature is not available for IATTBYH on netflix -- sorry. Bigshoulders made a good point -- the film is certainly worth waiting a few days to get your hands on a DVD copy -- especially for the superior audio quality.

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Just buy this. It's worth it. Check eBay if you're on a budget and can't afford the higher retail price for the 2-disc version.



Warning: Don't make a mistake and get the 1-disc version. You want the 2-disc version. Trust me on this.



Also - does the band make money on this? I thought they were just the topic of the documentary, but I have no idea how these things shake down behind-the-scenes with accountants and stuff.

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Also - does the band make money on this? I thought they were just the topic of the documentary, but I have no idea how these things shake down behind-the-scenes with accountants and stuff.


They should be making money, since the movie features the band's music -- just like they get paid when their songs pop up in any other movie (I didn't mean to suggest that they got paid as "actors," though there may have been some sort of payment for likeness rights, etc.). I think Jeff shares his take from royalties with the band to some extent, even when he's the only credited songwriter. I'm not sure about any other financial arrangements, but even if the movie lost money, Jeff should be collecting royalties for the use of the music. The band was with Reprise when filming started, so I imagine Reprise had a lot to say about the arrangements and their stake in the pre-YHF songs used.

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