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Elliott BROOD - Mountain Meadows

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So I bought Jon Krakauer's 'Under the Banner of Heaven' to try to

understand the context of Mountain Meadows, and since I'm reading more

non-fiction than fiction these days, it really fits in with the summer

reading list.


Hollee crap, I'm 5 chapters in and already 100 or so people have died

violently in the first decade of the LDS. Between this book, that

jack mormon Corb Lund, the Elliott Brood cd and becoming hooked on the first

season of Big Love, I'm really tempted to become a wool undergarment

wearing sister-wife.


i've not read this because i had some friends say it was not good. i read into the wild & loved that.

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i've not read this because i had some friends say it was not good. i read into the wild & loved that.


I got the same reaction from some other people. They listed a couple other books for getting into Mormon alternative history. Still, I enjoyed Karkauer's , and it offered as much knowledge as I ever ever ever ever will need about Polygamy, Mountain Meadows, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the show was on Friday and it was such an awesome experience. The Elliot Brood guys seemed to really dig our set and they wanted to play with us again which would be really great if that could happen. They split their set into two playing majority of the new stuff in the second half, the show ended with everyone getting a tambourine, pans, spoons and all playing along, great great fun. We talked about Wilco after and before the show (and all the praise the band is getting on here) and how playing with them halfway fulfills my life long dream of opening for Wilco (one degree of separation now!), but they are really just super nice down to earth guys.

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