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The first time that I met Louie B

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He said that it was pretty pointless. After all, if you know of and love a band that nobody else has ever heard of, once you share it with anybody else, then they know it, too. So, why be so snobby about it?


Very true.


So, in the interest of reducing the snobbery of the board and the world in general, would you like to share with the class a couple of very obscure bands that you love? Local heroes? Friends' bands (that are actually great) and whatnot...


So, I suppose it's an excercise in snobbery, at the same time that it's an excercise to reduce the snobbery out there. But hell, it'll be fun! Let 'er rip!!! I will let you all go first.

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Okay, here's a local musician that's been around since the early 90s. He's a really great songwriter, even been covered by the likes of Ron Sexsmith. Vocally he falls somewhere between Lou Reed and Bob Dylan.


Kyp Harness

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well I have a very good friend that leads a band in the Twin Cities thats been getting a lot of positive reviews and press in the last six months. Great articles in local papers and on local blogs, including Solace's More Cowbell. They are called Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapelles (misspelling is intentional I guess). They just released their debut CD called "Orange Peels and Rattlesnakes"

Check out her myspace : Lucy's Myspace

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Within 10 minutes of meeting Louie we were discussing avant-garde jazz - I knew I was gonna like this dude.

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I spoke to Louie B on the phone once. it was one of those people passing the phone around things. once he found out who I was he seemed like he wanted off the phone. it made me feel special*. I don't know if any of the bands I like are obscure. I hope not.


*I didn't really take it personally.

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Hop on Pop


and i'm having VC de ja vu in posting that.


You love us?

Or you mock us?

Either way... thanks!


I'll post my obscurities now.


Paper Airplane Pilots -- Friends and labelmates: Classic Power Pop

Trakan: Friends and labelmates: Dark folk rock; Think M. Ward and Frank Black

The Flavor Channel: The band that inspired this thread. I was really into them back in the 90's. The Smiths meet Sun Ra and Roy Orbison


I'll come up with more later. And I'll check out your links when I'm not blocked by the firewall at work.

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Okay, here's a local musician that's been around since the early 90s. He's a really great songwriter, even been covered by the likes of Ron Sexsmith. Vocally he falls somewhere between Lou Reed and Bob Dylan.


Kyp Harness


Okay, I listened to this and I like him a lot.

Something like a young(er), hipster Randy Newman, maybe?

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Okay, I listened to this and I like him a lot.

Something like a young(er), hipster Randy Newman, maybe?

He does have a bit of that Newman touch for wit and satire at times.


The guy has 8 records out, not sure how easy they're to find outside of Canada. I actually don't have the last 2, but I like what I've heard so I will have to get those as well.

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I know this is supposed to be about our little known local bands, but re meeting Lou - have to say, Rick and I found this dude who knows music really well, loves our favorite band, and turned out (just a bonus) he was one extremely nice, classy guy. It was a highlight of our res experience to meet the man ....


I know - this thread was not about you ----- can't help myself ---- L & R

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I know this is supposed to be about our little known local bands, but re meeting Lou - have to say, Rick and I found this dude who knows music really well, loves our favorite band, and turned out (just a bonus) he was one extremely nice, classy guy. It was a highlight of our res experience to meet the man ....


I know - this thread was not about you ----- can't help myself ---- L & R



Sounds like you and I had the same experience with Lou.


Of course, that is not to diminish the fact that I met Wendy at the exact same time that I met Louie.

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