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Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas fellow VCers! Hope everyone has a great day! Thanks for your friendship and good cheer this year and hope for a happy 2009!


(Best gift: wonderfully used copies of two Kinks albums) :cheekkiss

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Happy Holidays, errbody! Hope y'all are staying cozy.


I can't pick a favorite gift...but perhaps the best part about the holidays this year is that I get to spend them not working. It's much easier to appreciate spending time with my family during this part of the year after not having more than Christmas day with them for the past two years.



Fun traditions, anyone?

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We're back home from 2 days at Mom's. :stunned


This morning in the park across the street, a rafter of about 25 wild turkeys marched past the tennis courts as the sun came up. They mingled for a while at the playground, then hauled ass when I tried to get a picture.


I Love Texas!!

Merry Christmas Everyone

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I just got back home after being out for a day and a half of travels here and there. It was the busiest AND BEST Christmas (personally) in 10 years!!! The time with my friends, family and my boyfriend's family was great! The chef (b/f) cooked up a great midday feast and then my Mom made a great meal and desserts to end the night!


Best gift for me - iPod Touch. Best gift for the girls - Nintendo DS's (they've been waiting VERY patiently for 3 years). They've been using them pretty much non-stop for the past 6 hours or so. It's SOOO great to see them SOOO happy!!!



Here's hoping you all had a glorious, joyous, fun-filled and safe holiday!!!




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