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The Felice Brothers - Yonder Is The Clock

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I can certainly see where your coming from Matt. The similarlities are a bit much, and the vocal stylings very close to Dylan (nasel whining!). But, as you also mentioned, they are a damn good band. I suppose some bands are going to be inovative and some are going to be somewhat derivative. Bottom line, I suppose, is 'do you like it?', 'does it move you?' 'do you like to stomp arouind in your basement with a glass of wine whilst grooving to it?'. They tick all the boxes for me, derivative or not.


In reference to this specific album, I was not sure about it at first but as time has passed I have grown to love it. The track 'Rise and Shine' is particularly beautiful.


On a related issue, did anyone pick up the 'Duke and the King' album that what a Simon Felice project after he left the band. If you want something a bit more eclectic with its influences more varied then I would suggest trying it out. There is one song on the record (Lose Myself) that is marvelous is a mix between Grandaddy and classic area Pink Floyd!!

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I just discovered this band, and I have to say that it's kind of freaking me out. I can almost picture these guys in a pink house. In a way, I love it, and in a way, it disgusts me. I mean, this is just an unabashed ripoff!! And it's not bad! They got the right vibe, that's for sure.


Have you ever paid Big Pink a visit ? I understand how imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but with all due respect, this is downright obnoxious.


Go put on The Basement Tapes and be done with it

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Well, the songs that I've heard aren't as good, the vocals aren't as good, the harmonies aren't as good, and the musicianship isn't as good. But they've tapped into something that gets me in my gut. And it feels a bit like a fraud. But I also can't deny that they've hit a sweet spot that I've got somewhere in me. It's totally bizarre.


In a weird way, it reminds me of how a movie can manipulate your emotions by adding a song you love to a poignant scene and then you can't tell if it's your love of the song, or the scene that is so poignant. It's cheating. It's not right.

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Well, the songs that I've heard aren't as good, the vocals aren't as good, the harmonies aren't as good, and the musicianship isn't as good. But they've tapped into something that gets me in my gut. And it feels a bit like a fraud. But I also can't deny that they've hit a sweet spot that I've got somewhere in me. It's totally bizarre.


In a weird way, it reminds me of how a movie can manipulate your emotions by adding a song you love to a poignant scene and then you can't tell if it's your love of the song, or the scene that is so poignant. It's cheating. It's not right.


It is.

I wish directors and hollywood types in general could learn to trust their audience a bit more. We would all benefit if they checked their maudlin-isms at the door. As for The Felice Brothers, I can certainly relate. If they're pulling that string, that's all you need to worry about. The sound they're going for is certainly in my wheelhouse. (see Zimmerman related artists)


I dig your avatar.....as well as the last one featuring Declan M.

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On a related issue, did anyone pick up the 'Duke and the King' album that what a Simon Felice project after he left the band. If you want something a bit more eclectic with its influences more varied then I would suggest trying it out. There is one song on the record (Lose Myself) that is marvelous is a mix between Grandaddy and classic area Pink Floyd!!


Yes, it's a really solid record. The touring band is great, filled out with a fiddle player and a gospel-harmonizing drummer. Saw them earlier this summer and it was possibly one of my favorite shows of the year.


They do a mean cover of "Helpless":


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