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Hi guys,

Any Idea where I could get myself a nudie suit jacket like the one wear by tweedy and the band in the new DVD? If you know any online shop that coul have those (I've tried ebay without any luck). Is it that rare to find?


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Nudie has passed on, and his protegee and former employee Manuel might be the last of the great rodeo tailors. IMO it would be cool to check out his Nashville store and see some of these up close.


good article here ... explains that he made the Flying Burrito Bros Nudie suits when he worked for Nudie.


There's 2 good videos at manuel's website, although they loaded slowly for me.


and here's a youtube just strolling through the store looking at the suits.


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Short of being in a band, why would you want a nudie suit? Do you have a wedding to go to where you want to freak someone out, or are you planning to wear one to your own wedding?


Meanwhile western shirts with horses, guns, and flowers are available at just about any western type store, which depending on where you live, you probably have one nearby. Check the phone book. Here in Chicago Alcalas has stuff like that as well as boots to go with it. Not sure that they have nudie suits, but you can get shirts, pants, jackets, ties, boots, belts with big old silver buckles and other accoutaments there. They will be happy to sell them to you online.



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If you've got a couple grand, you can buy one from Manuel like the band did.


I can't remember the guys name, but their suits aren't Manuel's, but from a guy in California (maybe?), that guy and Manuel worked for Nudie and then branched out each on their own. Manuel does indeed have a shop in Nashville with stuff you can buy off the rack. He also has a son that might be taking up the torch.


You can also buy the toned down version of the western wear at Katy K's in nashville, they have pretty great stuff there:



Katy K's Ranch Dressing

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