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God but I love public Radio

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KXT is playing September Gurls

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man i must just not listen to KXT at the right times.


You should start with Paul Slavens' show on Sunday nights. Great, great radio.


KXT can be hit or miss at times but they play a ton of Texas bands so they're okay in my book. They've given my own band so much airplay that I'm pretty sure there are people out there saying "Goddamnit. Not this song AGAIN." and turning the dial whenever we come on. Which is awesome.


I do wish they'd add another DJ or two, because some of the syndicated stuff is a beating. The host of the World Cafe especially.

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I've been a member for a few years now. I love it, too.

I have it on every morning and afternoon, during my commute. And, my 10-year-old son is a big Garrison Keillor fan; just thinks that he's funny. (He is.)


A few months back, just before he died, they ran a wonderful interview with Jim Dickinson on Weekend Edition. I'll have to dig that up and post it here (if I didn't already... I may have.)

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