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Lone Star Lowlands

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Okay, I am kind of partisian about the Numero Group. I stopped by their offices (!!??!?!) this week to pick up a few things I thought I needed and ended up with an LP can't stop listening to. We have talked repeatedly here about Numero's Eccentric Soul series, some of which should be in everyone's collection. They also put out some quirky and under appreciated music by little known groups and singers of the 60s and 70s and are about to release a huge box set of Chicago blues/soul figure Syl Johnson, but as I was leaving the owner Ken Shipley sold me an LP he felt was one of their best efforts. Title Lone Star Lowlands, it documents the myriad of groups out of east Texas. This LP has a crazy catchy mix of somewhat lo-fi groups taking their inspiration from 60s psych bands, CSN&Y, Love, Spirit, and anything else that was in the wind in the 60s and early 70s.


Needless to say this particular corner of the music business would never have re-seen the light of day without the Numero folks digging the tapes and singles out of the corner of Texas where they were first recorded. As always, the liner notes and photos accompanying the music are priceless. Cracking open the LP and looking at the booklet was a time trip, since the people in the photos remind me of all the people I used to know.


Nearly all this music is derivitive and sometimes amaturish, but none of it is pretenious and most of it is infections, but there is an overwhelming amount of heart projected by these groups. The family tree of the groups in musicians is a hoot in and of itself.


Certainly I would recommend the LP version, but it is also available on CD. Don't miss this one. Stuff like this and the other comps and reissues Numero has put out in the last six years is the reason they got invited by Wilco to North Adams. They are doing some of the greatest musical archeology of our time. How they find this stuff and how they are able to bring such detail to their liner notes is a miricle. They are also planning some box set of obscure stuff from my old home town of Cleveland later this year or early next. Check them out at the Numero Group webiste.



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Sundazed puts out great stuff and seems to have the finances to reissue an enormous amount of material. Numero is more select and finds some really crazy obscure material. For the album menioned here, they listened to the studios entire catelogue and culled out twenty some of the best tracks. Also they write the most amazing linernotes.



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Honestly, I saw one of these Eccentric Soul compilations at Half Price Books this weekend, and considered it for a couple of minutes. But I, sadly, did not pull the trigger. After reading this thread, I am kicking myself.


Thanks for pointing this one out to me, Louie. I will try to get back to that store sometime this week and, hopefully, be able to pick it up. If somebody else hasn't done so already.

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I have quite a few of the Numero Group releases, mostly the Soul ones. I haven't been disappointed with any of them. That upcoming Syl Johnson set looks really good. May have to get that.

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I have quite a few of the Numero Group releases, mostly the Soul ones. I haven't been disappointed with any of them. That upcoming Syl Johnson set looks really good. May have to get that.

Yea, the Syl thing is huge. I do think that the Eccentric Soul material is their strong suit.


Check this one out though. Numero has some really crazy non-soul stuff that it has unearthed.



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I grabbed the Cult Cargo Bahama's release a little while back. Killer from beginning to end. I too highly recommend digging into these releases.


And although not music there recent release of visual artist Al Jarnow's work is another awesome package. Really good doc on his career included.

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Numero has some great releases. I'll put the Lone Star Lowlands on my Christmas list.

I think I mentioned this, but it was recommended by Numero number one. I think if you order it through Numero they also send the Lizard CD with it too, not sure. Both are fun.



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