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What is a good point and shoot camera?

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I don't even know where to begin. For travelling and taking pics of things close up(to sell on the net) What should I be looking out for? I think I can get some special discount on Panasonic. My name is Scott, I'm 36 and I've never owned a camera.

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i would suggest not getting too worked up over megapixels. 7-10 mp would probably more than suffice. i've read that, at a point, megapixels are just a way to capitalize on minimal gains.


i'd also suggest looking at canons b/c they offer a good balance between point and shoot functionality and auto shooting. admittedly, it's the only camera i have much experience with, so my opinion is biased. panasonic may be just as good. also, don't pay much attention to digital zoom, as it's pretty crappy, focus more on optical zoom, but you shouldn't need more than like 3x.


my two cents.

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I'm quite pleased with my Canon PowerShot S90. It's a point-and-shoot, but also offers full manual control for people who are photographically inclined.


My only complaints:


-- No optical viewfinder (this is becoming a rare luxury on inexpensive cameras)


-- Video is not HD and you can't zoom while taking video


-- It's a little slow


Of those, only the lack of viewfinder has ever truly bothered me. Battery life is surprisingly good, image quality is good, the optical zoom goes up to ... I think 5.3x? ... but the digital zoom results in unexpectedly clear photos in most circumstances, and it goes up to 15x.


At around $350 it's not the cheapest point-and-shoot out there, but if you've got some dollars to throw around it's a pretty good option. I also bought a couple of extra batteries very cheaply via Amazon -- the "Maximal Power" brand -- and they've been great.

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Got myself a second hand Panasonic LX3 yesterday. It has far to many buttons. Went to my favourite park One Tree Hill which was busy despite the gloomy winter weather.




I took some pictures of trees and got bored very quickly. People are more interesting I think. I don't know what I'm doing but it's fun. My respect for real photographers just went up a notch.

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