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Dave Clark Five PBS show

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I am kind of surprised this has not been discussed here. I watched it off and on last night and found it unconvincing. The DC% did have a string of some catchy tunes and certainly were bigger than the Beatles for maybe a year (or maybe less), but no matter how many aging baby boomers, including Paul McCartney they trotted out I just don't buy their importance.


When the big buys hit the screen (Beatles, Stones, The Who, the Kinks) the contrast was stark. Not to mention all the Motown artists (even the dreaded Supremes), were far greater talents and musically important. I suppose giving these guys a bit of due was fine, but seeing interviews with people my age both famous and unfamous, yacking about their youthful famdom was pretty irritating.


And my overriding thought was how sad it is that John Lennon is not around to counter balance McCartney's self importance.



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Well, it was directed and produced by Dave Clark himself.  I only got to see half of it. I will catch the rest online. I think there were a lot of great British Invasion bands - but as you mentioned - they all fall by the wayside when compared to the big four.


If you want to learn about how crafty a businessman he was, check out Rod Stewart's book. He talks a lot about Dave. And it is actually a pretty good rock start book.

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I came across this last night and watched a few minutes. Not long enough to get an impression that they were over-inflating the importance of the Dave Clark Five. I generally take these sort of docs with a grain of salt. I've seen far too many that paint a bigger picture of a band than the reality can support.


I'm going to PVR the rerun on Friday. Will weigh in after.

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The Dave Clark Five Return! was one of first non-Beatles albums I can recall listening to quite a bit. I still have it.

They sure sold a lot of albums. They used to be pretty common in resale and used record stores, but with more people interested in owning LPs you see them a lot less. I am not sure who listens to them now though.



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One thing I did not know - they were on the Ed Sullivan show 18 times.


I don't think it was said in the film - but Dave was one of the people in the room when Freddie Mercury passed away.

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One thing I did not know - they were on the Ed Sullivan show 18 times.


I don't think it was said in the film - but Dave was one of the people in the room when Freddie Mercury passed away.

Wow, that is a lot. I guess Ed really dug them. That was also interesting about Freddie.



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Did anyone else think it was weird that Gene Simmons appeared in full KISS regalia? Seemed over the top to me. I do think the Animals would be an interesting topic for a documentary.



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Did anyone else think it was weird that Gene Simmons appeared in full KISS regalia? Seemed over the top to me. I do think the Animals would be an interesting topic for a documentary.




He was probably being interviewed before a show.  Of course - KISS covered Anyway You Want It on Alive II.

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