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Pitchfork Review of AMF & WY20

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To be fair, I think in the Kicking Television review, they mentioned that the AGIB tracks had grown into their own. AGIB was a grower for me, especially following the more accessible, and most popular YHF. It wasn't until I saw them tour that I started to appreciate these tracks. Now the AGIB tracks are my favorite live tracks they play. (I still can't believe they didn't play one AGIB song at Solid Sound....)

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Haven't seen this mentioned here, was going to post this in the Wilco Heard Out and About topic, my son gave me a head's up to this Pitchfork podcast on AMF and What's Your Twenty.




Pretty good discussion, don't agree with all of it but that's to be expected.  At one point one of the guys refers to Tweedy as "a competent songwriter."  Or something like that.  Understatement of the year? Sort of like calling the '27 Yankees a "pretty good" team.

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Not surprised at a lot of what I'm hearing. Same stuff we've heard before -- there's no conflict in Wilco; there are too many members in Wilco now; they're not challenging, they've lost their edge, etc., etc. Apparently Jeff Tweedy went to rehab for weed and cocaine, according to these guys. And these guys don't sound like they're well-versed in too much other than YHF/AGIB, though they do talk about SBS in some detail. AM/BT get passing mentions. 


Interesting listen nonetheless.Thanks for sharing! 

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