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Mr. Kinsley

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Posts posted by Mr. Kinsley

  1. After seeing the video, I would like to echo the dismay of whomever was complaining about those kids putting their green monster in CENTER. And do they really need a fence? It's wiffle ball fer cris'sakes! If they'd just ditch that I'm sure it would all be OK.


    My brother in law on the other hand, is much more high-strung, sort of fearful, your typical first time parent. And his daughter, roughly five months older than Lily, is markedly less confident
  2. Did this just come out? It seems like something like that would be on every network, morning show, talk show, etc.

    Very, very cool. My 2 favorites were the Korean DMZ and Papau New Guinea (or which ever one had the natives jumping up and down as high as they could.)

  3. Maybe Wilco will play at the convention. The days in between the SF show and the Ireland show are when it's going on. Hmmm?


    (Probably not the 28th, since they'd need a little more time than that to get to Ireland and set up. Unless Phil Collins wants to loan them his Concord.)


    For Obama and Wilco fans looking for insight into their schedule, Wilco is currently on a tour that conveniently wraps up its U.S. leg in San Francisco Aug. 24, the day before the start of the Democratic convention in Denver. The band doesn't have another show scheduled until Aug. 29, in Ireland, after the convention concludes -- so an appearance in Denver by Obama's favorite Chicago band is not out of the question.


    Yeah. I called it.


    Full story from the Washington Post

  4. ... a gorgeous tune called Let's Fight that I'm hopeful might make it onto the next album.

    If they have as much ammo for a new album from what Jeff has just written, then I (unfortunately) doubt it.


    Hell Ya! Yay! that just made my day

    The album thing or the tight pants/boxers thing? :mellow

  5. Maybe Wilco will play at the convention. The days in between the SF show and the Ireland show are when it's going on. Hmmm?


    (Probably not the 28th, since they'd need a little more time than that to get to Ireland and set up. Unless Phil Collins wants to loan them his Concord.)

  6. I put Neil Diamond in the minivan CD player the other day and discovered that my 2.5 year old twins love Sweet Caroline. When it gets to the part where he sings "Sweeeet Caaar- oooo- liiine" and then the horns go "bah bah baaaah!" the kids sing the bah bah bah part. They now request the bah bah bah song.


    Their 2 other favorites are Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash. "Play Ba Deeelan!" "More Cash!"

  7. I really don't see the big deal here. This is essentially what he's said all along, if you listen to more than the soundbites that get played on the news. He's always said 16 months. He's always said that we could have a small prescence in the region for strategic attacks, but not a full-blown occupation. And anyone who comes up with a strategy and sticks to it, regardless of the facts on the ground would be... well, they'd be George Bush.


    I think we need to wait and see what comes out of the Iraq trip before we start flipping out.

  8. what exactly is the big deal about mccain shaking a womans hand that is sporting an obama logo? i guess i've missed that story?

    Big deal? Not really. I'm just stumped. If it's intentional, what's the logic? If it's unintentional (strategy-wise), was it somebody inside his campaign goofin' on him or did they just miss it completely? Seems like a bad strategy to give your opponent a subliminal plug in your own ad.

  9. why is she smiling and mccain not?

    A few seconds before this part she seems somewhere between slightly uncomfortable and pleasantly surprised to be face to face with JMc.* My guess as to why he's so somber is that this is footage from when he was at the Lorraine Motel on the 40th anniversary of MLK's assassination. He probably doesn't want to be too upbeat.


    *I doubt I'm the first to refer to him as JMc (pron: Jay - Mack), but I'll take credit for it anyway!

  10. Check out the :26 second mark in

    - he's shaking hands with an Obama supporter! You can see the 'O' logo clear as day on her shirt. What should we make of this? Is he trying to say "See, I can go after this block of voters!" Is someone (probably a younger, low-end tech person who might be an Obama supporter) in his campaign trying to be funny? Did it just slip through the cracks?


    Not only is there that, HERE is possibly the single funniest thing to come out of this election. McCain gave a speech the other day (for some totally insane reason) in front of a green screen, making it waaaaaay too easy for anyone with an iota of tech/video savvy to mess with the footage. Strike a pose Johnny!


    EDIT: If you search around a little bit on the link, you'll see that one of the videos they altered is that one of the dancing Indian midget! El F, where are you!

  11. What just absolutely kills me about this (the Iran thing, not the Jules vs. explodo thing - that I could give a shit about) is that because of our Iraq experience, we've screwed ourselves in terms of Iran. THEY seem to be the ones we should have been worried about in the first place. Sadam we could have kept in check with a few bombing runs here and there, but now if the current admin really is right about Iran what will we be able to do about them? Our military is over-taxed with a war on two fronts and the int'l community isn't going to jump on our bandwagon anymore, regardless of how good the intel might be.


    Freedom ain't free, but we seem to be overpaying at the moment.

  12. U2 1987 Joshua Tree tour

    LA Memorial Coliseum

    Way the hell in the upper reaches by the stinkin' press box, on a cold, drizzly November night, with a bunch of high school girls sitting behind us screaming the whole time like it was 1958 and Elvis just walked on stage.


    And it was STILL the best show I've ever seen! Yeah, Bono's kinda goofy, but when you're sitting where I was you need someone who can do the stadium-rock thing to get the people in the back into it. They ended with '40,' which they just sort of faded out while everyone sang the chorus, which we were still doing out into the parking lot. Literally. Never seen anything like it. It felt like a church service almost.

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