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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. embiggen


    I donated. this is none of your business.
  2. I reserve the right not to answer. thanks for your concern.
  3. I'm going to go lay in the fetal position in the women's restroom if anyone needs me.
  4. you should really say something to the wife. maybe he has problems she doesn't know about (duh). just a suggestion.
  5. IKNOW! shouldn't you be in bed? pulling an all nighter??
  6. I have Worlds Apart on my pod that I just destroyed. I borrowed it (the cd) from someone, but I really, really liked it. I will probably end up buying it. I haven't heard any of the new stuff yet. they're playing in NYC soon and I may attend.
  7. we used to have these flying cockroaches in Nashville: they would come out every time it would rain. they would also fly towards your head. good times!
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