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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. embiggen


    I would say more like 2 or 3 am.
  2. prolly because he feels like it!
  3. how can she look that great with all the food she shoves down her gob?
  4. is that true? I've heard that, but wasn't able to find where it said 'sodium' on the bottle.
  5. I've had no alcohol in a little over a week and I am sleeping better than I have in months.
  6. I wonder if the Simpson's movie will be any good.
  7. this is one of the best sites ever!~
  8. but she provides 'beauty and fun'!
  9. Christafuh is forgetting the oat of Omert
  10. he is, but he's also kind of a prick, as are many musicians.
  11. "...see my son curled up on the couch in the fetus position." "I've been totally fucking ostrified!"
  12. this is the best news I've heard all week.
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