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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. can't you see that that man is a ni?
  2. son, you've got a panty on your head.
  3. hmm, it's ok. I don't think it's terrible, but not my favorite Paul song.
  4. something is supposed to happen with Carmella's spec house. that's really all I remember from the previews.
  5. according to my co-worker, I was not supposed to like last night's episode.
  6. I KNOW! I was saying to my husband, "yeah, another builder. building to what?" the part with Junior was pretty hysterical. it reminded me of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. (I'll take some spree)
  7. am I wrong, or was this the wrong week to have an angry Asian on the show. coinicidink! my husband kept saying, "Tony's going to kill Paulie. Tony's going to kill Paulie." Paulie needs to shut up!
  8. if my husband had a female friend from work, which he does by the way, I would not be bothered by it. spouses can have close, platonic friendships with the opposite sex. personally, I have always had male friends and that didn't stop when I got married. however, when you can't talk about the friendship with your spouse, then there is a problem obviously. 2 cents.
  9. he's talking to her like she's some adult that screwed him over. sad, sad situation.
  10. I was not happy to see his picture plastered on the cover of every paper in the city this morning. this is exactly what he wanted. and um, I feel bad for his parents. from what I hear, they are very mild mannered people. he had a mental illness. that isn't their fault.
  11. I don't know about that. most on the show, including David Chase, are glad that this is over with. I will be surprised if there is a movie.
  12. I agree! that was a hell of a seen. I think Phil Leo-retardo may try to knock of Walnuts. just a hunch.
  13. rather than go to jail? who do you think is going to 'get it' first? Christafuh, or Paulie Walnuts?
  14. send me your email address. I want to tell you something.
  15. this is about an actual subject. thanks Crowjack I also find that communicating mainly via computer or text can take the place of a real social life, of which I have none.
  16. emoticons may be available to you sir, but not to me in my emails.
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