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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. have a fabulous birthday Sarah! :party :party :party
  2. find out what actually happened to Rod Stewart in the 70's.
  3. eggplant parm sushi coffee, eventhough it gives me the shakes pizza french fries fried cheese
  4. Happy Birthday darlin'! :party :party :party :party
  5. I'm laughing so hard, how could I possibly cry?
  6. I don't think Chris is really thinking. I think he would rather be making movies, which is not necessarily a good thing.
  7. hmm, not sure if I completely agree. Sil would have his back.
  8. he's a desperate man with an addiction. I feel bad for Carm. she wanted out a long time ago.
  9. oh, that's what he was doing. I thought he had a little ceramics project going there.
  10. no kidding! something is going to go down with Christafuh and Walnuts. my prediction. Christafuh doesn't seem to be 'earning' since he's focusing on the movie.
  11. I thought he was going to pop Carmella in the face.
  12. we've been watching Sopranos on A&E, at least my husband has been. the two episodes they had on this past Wednesday, either from season 2 or 3, were pre-cursors to what is occurring on the show now. one episode was where Christafuh got made and Tony had a flashback where is father told him never to gamble.
  13. what with Vito dying and all that entrails?
  14. happy birthday tomorrow! :party :party
  15. anyone caught bi-pedal in five wears his ass for a hat!
  16. Can't Stand It I'm not 100% in love with that song.
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