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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. nearly one hour until the magical numbers are drawn.
  2. I bought a $5, husband bought a $5 and I'm also in an office pool. now no one can say I'm not trying hard enough.
  3. I'm excited that this is coming out, but I'm the kind of person that is willing to wait for the CD to come out. good things come to those who wait.
  4. the guitar solo on 'At Least That's What You Said' doesn't suck. it's a timeless classic. f**k Freebird!
  5. I didn't find these performances the least bit impressive. the sound was terrible as well.
  6. I bought some quinoa this weekend. me likey.
  7. I just watched this again and I wish you would finish it. the suspense is killing me.
  8. I see them on the subway tracks all the time and think, 'how nice to see our little rat friends out and frolicking about. I hope they are eating well.'
  9. now I feel really bad for her. the poor girl can't poop without someone taking a picture. no wonder she's koo koo for cocoa puffs!
  10. will you be serving this?
  11. dude, I agree with you, smart ass or not. it's very clear that she slept with LOTS of men. they may never find out who the father of that baby is.
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