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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. he really needs to invest in a nice support bra.
  2. I'm not sure who I want to win the Superbowl now. the husband is a Bears fan, but I secretly would like to see Peyton get the ring.
  3. it was 19 degrees this morning, 26 now. I'm still waiting for my snow please...
  4. I love the fact that he is smart and has a grasp of all points of view to just about any matter placed before him. He's definitely someone that just about anyone can relate to as a person, just as bobbob stated about Bush in 2000. Of all the Democratic candidates that would run, he's just my favorite. But I also think that we have many good candidates coming out to run; John Edwards and Joseph Biden are two more that I really respect and have excellent political records. With regards to Joseph Biden's plagarism in 1965, that happened so long ago that it isn't even an issue any more. For once,
  5. I love Obama, whether he smokes or not.
  6. it will be cool to see Powers Booth as VP. he is awesome!
  7. have a fishilicious birthday! :party :party :party
  8. somehow my husband got a subscription to Vibe. I give it to a friend at work. Vanity Fair!
  9. she never drinks water because she doesn't like the taste. she never smiles.
  10. I love Kicking Television!
  11. I'm not going to acknowledge the previous reply referring to me. online subscriptions is what I mostly receive: NY Times, The Onion I guess I just acknowledged it by saying this.
  12. I've always depended on the kindness of strangers... thanks PigSooie! I kind of like this on first listen. Isaac does not sound like himself though. one thing, the sound is not the MM that I prefer, which is pre-Good News. I think Good News was a good album, but it doesn't touch Moon and Antartica. unfortunately, neither does this. but I'm willing to give it all a chance.
  13. shit! I can't listen to it right now. stupid myspace block at work.....!
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