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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I lol'd, and then I peed a little this will sound sick to many people, but schadenfreude is sometimes a necessary emotion. shameful joy. I'm not going to try and explain myself because people are going to hate me for saying it no matter what... however, I don't feel schadenfreude for that little girl. I felt sad for her and her alone.
  2. I was listening to some Miles Davis and Charles Mingus on the train, and I don't even know if he liked those artists but he loved jazz, but I thought of him as I listened. Lena Horne talked him into piercing his ear and he had an historic interview with her and many, many others.
  3. this is terrible. my husband and I really like him and enjoy his style of reporting. he's going to be greatly missed.
  4. glad you found a place Jen! weddings are stressful as hell to plan for without stuff like this happening
  5. this is my 15 (almost 16 ) year old brother. I was 21 when he was born, so he's still a baby to me.
  6. Dems have the Senate and the House. it is a fantastic day to be a Democrat!
  7. this is so great. Rummy has been a part of the White House since Nixon. BEST NEWS EVER!
  8. jeez, this must have JUST happened because I was in the gym for 30 minutes watching CNN about 1/2 an hour ago. HUZZAH!
  9. if Lieberman has any gumption or inkling to try and not be so arrogant, he will go back to the Democratic party.
  10. I was just looking at CNN and they have lists running for all districts in each state and the percentages were being carried by Republicans in most of the districts; one had only Independents running. in fact, I'm noticing a lot of R's out in front in a lot of the Southern races. it seems like hardcore, Southern Democrats are becoming extinct, except me and my dad.
  11. I KNOW! Menendez, the corrupt Democrat, and Kean, the Nazi Republican NJ politics is corrupt in just about every office, even in the Jersey City Police Dept. go figure. we had a good mayor a couple of years ago, Cunningham, but he had a heart attack while in office.
  12. this is disappointing. I really like Harold Ford Jr. too bad I can't vote in TN anymore.
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