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barnyard pimp

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Posts posted by barnyard pimp

  1. I'm nervous that the Victoria crowd will be superlame, a la Vancouver 2004, where Jeff consistently mocked us all for remaining seated the entire evening and even went so far as doing an impression of the slouched gentleman in the first row who he assured us Glenn was painting between songs. :lol


    I'll be at Seattle too, which I'm really excited for... never been to the Paramount, after all these years!

  2. I had to settle for 6th row center thumbup.gif . (don't forget, there is an AA,BB row, so row B is row 4!cheers.gif


    I said 2nd row, not row B. ;)


    It looks like the Wilco show @ the Olympics is a full Wilco show, as it's advertised as being from 7-11pm (which shoots down any hopes I have of getting back to the island that night), but I suppose wandering around for 6 hours until the first bus out wouldn't be the worst thing in the world...(if I can't find accommodations, that is)

  3. I think it's better to open the album w/ Dark Neon (try it!) and follow it up w/ Sonny Feeling, then basically continue in the same order but save "Bull Black" and "Country" for after I'll Fight to help balance the 2nd half of the album (plus the line "Wake up we're here..." coming out of Bull Black Nova is sequential genius, if you ask me), then stick "The Song" at the end as a fun send-off instead of that bombastic Everlasting thing, which can settle for the penultimate spot. Also, Solitaire is awesome. :D

  4. ...in place of Solitaire?


    .......in place of.. SOLITAIRE?!??!?!?






    Anyway, it should have been on the album, in place of .. nothing .. but preferably as the first song (I posted a resequenced track list a while ago that I still think balances the album better).


    ..in place.. of.. .... .solitaire?

  5. Oh my God. I have the biggest fucking pit in my stomach right now.


    I live in Victoria, have been waiting for this forever, and I've been planning for the past year to move to Barcelona in January.


    How pathetic would it be if I delayed leaving a month just to see Wilco?


    How could the right decision possibly be pathetic?


    They probably heard about my favorite Indian restuarant there. Might be time to ride the Victoria Clipper from Seattle!


    I know about the band, what about the theater?!? Is it a nice venue?


    Beautiful, very tiny theatre, or at least it feels that way when I'm in there. Their website allows you to choose the exact seats you want, too.

  6. Victoria, a beautiful city with a major university, attracts artists like Leonard Cohen, etc. Neil Young played a benefit concert in Duncan, BC (also on the Island) in 2004.


    Wilco would draw ZERO crowd if they played at Save On. Come on... where could they play? The Royal? What would be the point? I'd love to see them in my hometown but let's face it, Victoria crowds suck, and there is not enough demand to draw Wilco. Anyone who lives on the island just accepts that they have to travel to Vancouver, Seattle, or beyond to see 99% of their favorite bands.


    When Wilco befriend Randy Bachman and he invites them for a benefit, that'll be different.

  7. I always thought the film was edited strangely, because it DOES sound like they're talking about 'Jesus etc' but I've always thought they were clearly referring to 'Always in Love' like the poster above elaborates. Watch the, er, costume changes and question the editing...

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