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Posts posted by markosis

  1. Wow, does that Bon Iver dude wear sweatpants onstage? I gotta hand it to him, that's awesome that he just wants to get comfortable and play some tunes. I'd like to see Wilco come out in pajamas sometime, that would be cool.

  2. Curtis Mayfield - "Love To Keep You In My Mind"

    Curtis Mayfield - "The Makings Of You"

    The Impressions - "Soulful Love"

    The Impressions - "The Girl I Find"


    I could probably list about 30 Curtis Mayfield-penned songs. No one wrote a better love song (or love-lost song) than Curtis.

  3. I think AGIB would be a great idea, as lost highway has made some good points. Summerteeth, that's more like "Jeff and Jay find old keyboards and make poppy tunes." Done. I think with all Jeff was going through, it being the first record without jay Bennett, Jim O'Rourke's involvement, all the processes they used to jam and dig up new ideas (which was discussed in the Wilco book but not very in-depth), yeah it seems like the one.

  4. Well, at first I was going to ask if you saw Hixter's link. To the new Wilcoworld project designed to set people up with exactly what you're asking


    Yes, I signed up for the Passengerside thing. The main problem with it is I live in LA and I want a ride to Bend, Oregon, or that's what that site would lead prospective drivers to believe. I think its misleading because I want a ride from Portland to Bend. I need to communicate too much info for what the site allows.

  5. a cool version of Dylan's "You Ain't Goin' Nowhere"


    I've never liked any covers of that song. I don't like The Byrds' version. Anyone that does it sounds so deliberate. Actually, any covers of the Basement Tapes stuff ends up souding really un-spontaneous and boring. People should stop trying to cover those songs.

  6. Here's the deal:


    I live in LA, so I may be interested in flying up to Portland on the morning of the 23rd and catching a ride to the Bend show. I know this is a long shot, but I think it would be fun if it could come together. I'd be coming by myself. So if anyone might feel like giving me a lift to Bend for the show and back to Portland afterwards, let me know. I'll help with gas and all that. PM or email if you might be down with this. Thanks.




  7. where is a good place to park that is close to the square


    Nowhere. Rittenhouse Square is in Center City, and street parking is really a crap shoot. Since the show will be in the evening, its going to be a mess, even driving through that part of the city sucks. There's always plenty of parking garages if you want to get fleeced. Where in Pennsylvania are you coming from? There are some options for taking trains into the city that would put you relatively close by, I think. Don't hold me to that. Google SEPTA and see what they can tell you about that, because that will be your best bet.

  8. Might be in the works of a reprint.


    Whoa, really? Where did you pick up that piece of info? I sure hope it comes to pass.


    Hey Greg, thanks for the article. I used to get that paper when I lived in Jersey. That's actually where I first heard about Dr. Dog. Even though they mentioned The Teeth, they forgot to mention that The Teeth recently broke up :( .

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