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Posts posted by markosis

  1. this country/planet is in need of a little less religious tolerance


    I respect what you have to say the majority of the time, as you have studied your points and you back up what you say with well thought out arguments. But I have to call you on this. You said yourself earlier that religiosos are the ones flying planes into buildings and forcing their beliefs on others through government legislation, and that is a bad thing, I agree. But that is also the product of religious intolerance. So if those things are bad, and we can all agree they are, how can intolerance be the answer?


    Saying something like that makes you no better than those you so fervently speak out against. I'm sure the Bushes/Bin Ladens/Pat Robertsons of the world would also say that we need less religious tolerance.


    I know you were defending yourself, that's cool. But I know you don't really mean that.

  2. [intolerant] behavior will not change anyone's mind. There needs to be understanding and we need to see what is common between us as humans, not take hardcore stances against one another.


    Just wanted to quote/paraphrase myself from earlier.

  3. [intolerant] behavior will not change anyone's mind. There needs to be understanding and we need to see what is common between us as humans, not take hardcore stances against one another.


    Just wanted to quote/paraphrase myself from earlier.

  4. I'm saying that automatically dismissing someone's beliefs is ignorant and intolerant, and atheists do it just as much as religious folks do. That's all I said. I did not use the word "militant." Especially in the case of someone like Bill Maher, who's show I've been watching recently, he will talk down the hyper-religious folks but will be just as intolerant himself. That's all I'm saying. And that kind of behavior will not change anyone's mind. There needs to be understanding and we need to see what is common between us as humans, not take hardcore stances against one another. That's what I'm saying.

  5. I'm an enormous Maher fan but he is as militant in his atheism as the most fervent Christian is in theirs. I find it a bit annoying and condescending to those that are ardent believers in one religion or another. If I find it annoying for the religious, I find it equally as annoying for the atheist.


    Agreed. Intolerance goes both ways, its not just a hardcore Christian thing. Hardcore atheists are just as ignorant and intolerant.

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