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Posts posted by Hummingbird

  1. I'm having the same problem....same error message....I have no clue.


    Anyone willing to trade for the Redbank Show?


    I would love to have a copy!! Thanks!


    any advise on this "torrent" thing.


    I downloaded the Bittorrent program thing-a-ma-bob (the program works sinse I downloaded two other "torrents" successfully as a test.


    I selected the RED BANK torrent and kept getting a message aobut being rejected and one about the tracker not connecting since I dont have any peers.


    obviously this stuff is completely new to me. I have no friggin clue what that stuff means.




    I really really really want the Red Bank show!!!


    do I sound desperate enough.


    If anyone could be so kind to help me out/ give me understandable directions (I tried the FAQS and came away with a headache).

  2. Thank you!!


    I was standing under John and Pat to the right of the stage...next to some really really tall dude...(6 foot 10!)...a GIANT MAN!

    He was cool though...





    You're a great photographer Hummingbird--thanks for sharing! Where were you standing during the show? You must have been close to me too!


    ps - yes more, more! :)

  3. :wave

    Hey BMAN! How are you? Are you going tonight too? Wish we could come up but just went to two shows and still recovering!

    Hope to catch up soon!






    I was up front and my ears are still ringing from the crowd noise. This was my 14th show and I though it was a GREAT show and the crowd was totally into it.
  4. I just tried Dime again and this time it worked....try again and if no luck I will send you a copy....




    I just switched all my etree downloads to Dime.What the hell is up with some seeders,I leave shit open for months,ratio's for some seeds over 8.5.Peoeple really need to stop being so stingy.I thank those who share!
  5. Any time!

    I was up front as well (on the right by John and Pat).

    Saw them again Friday in Redbank and the sound was much better there....



    Thanks for the offer--I already downloaded the show and have been listening to it. The sound comes across better on the tape than it did live (I hardly heard the keyboards all night), but there's no substitute for being right up front and watching those guys do their thing.


    I hope I can catch them again soon!

  6. Love your comments...and totally am with you on the great crowd vibe going on that night...the crowd was so intense and amazing...great to know that the energy given off from the band can be directed right back to them and create such a cycle of what I like to call HEAVEN.

    You need to attend more shows!!!!


    I have the show if you need a copy!




    I've never seen Wilco live before, and I was blown away. They clearly enjoyed themselves, and played a very long set. Here's what I can remember, though the order is undoubtedly wrong:


    Shot in the Arm

    Side with the Seeds

    You Are My Face



    Shake it Off

    Via Chicago

    Handshake Drugs

    War On War

    Sky Blue Sky

    Hate It Here

    Impossible Germany

    Jesus Etc.





    Encore 1:


    California Stars

    Poor Places



    Encore 2:


    Heavy Metal Drummer

    The Late Greats

    I'm Always in Love (!)

    Outta Mind Outta Site (!!)

    I'm A Wheel


    Encore 3 (!!):


    What Light

    Quick thoughts before I go to bed:


    Now that James Brown has passed on, I hereby nominate Glenn Kotche as the hardest working man in show business.


    The crowd was totally into the band, and the feeling was mutual. The guys clearly loved it that the crowd responded enthusiastically to the new songs, with plenty of singing along.


    The 2nd encore wasn't supposed to be so long--Nels kept taking off his guitar and starting to walk off, but Jeff kept adding songs. It was awesome. I got the feeling that if it were up to Tweedy, they'd still be playing.


    I was totally impressed by the band, and the crowd, and the ease with which I was able to get the hell out of there and get home to Virginia. All in all, a fantastic evening.


    I saw at least one person taping--I hope it gets posted somewhere online, because this show is one I will want to have for sure.

  7. Hey you!!!

    Lot's to tell you....but just wondering...any idea when the VIDEO of our awesome LR show will be available?

    Love ya!




    Only too glad to help, Robert. Your own generosity has rebounded upon you. It's all karma. :cheekkiss
  8. I would love a copy too...I have a copy of the Merriweather show and would be happy to trade!




    anywhere else I can download that? I do not have access to dimeadozen and they are not accepting any new members.....Thanks
  9. :wave Hi Edie!

    You are so right; it is never enough and just keeps getting better and better every time!

    Hope to see you at the next LR show or at a WILCO show!!!

    Will email you on your personal email to fill you in on last night!






    Vanessa!!! got your email; I'm notorious about not answering though. Glad to see you got your fix (though it's never really enough is it now?). Miss you and say hi to that sweet hubby of yours :)



  10. I totally agree with you on this....last night in Redbank made my 10th show..and Merriweather was just an amazing blow out of WILCO MADNESS. Jeff had happiness all over his face and was just beaming...the crowd was amazing...the energy was intense...Nels was on fire....it was the best show I've ever seen EVER.



    That was my 6th Wilco show. While they've always been great live, there was something really special about last night. Best show I have ever seen by anyone.
  11. Hey Edie!!!! It's Vanessa! We were at Merriweather and Redbank...both amazing shows....the sound at Merriweather wasn't as great as Count Bassie...will email you more details asap. Miss you and hope all is well! :cheekkiss





    Last night, I was on a return flight from LAX to ORD (delayed of course), walking off the plane when my cellio rang. Lo and behold, my good friend Sara :wub gave me a concert call. The sound was actually pretty decent, so I continued to listen while walking through the concourse and picking up my bag until I got about half way home. It was wonderful -- it turned a mindless, tedious event to one where I was singing and tapping my foot.


    My mini-list:


    Side with the Seeds

    You Are My Face



    Handshake Drugs

    Via Chicago

    Shake It Off

    War on War


    Hurry up back to the MW boys. Missed you totally first time through, need you back soon :yes

  12. I saw the Owl too! It was right near Glenn's drum set. They made no mention of it as they had the night prior at Merriweather when Jeff said to send all things macrame to Wilco. All I remember about macrame in my house growing up in the 70's was that those dang plant holders would always get wet whenever I watered the plants and they were always too freakin scratchy. :dancing


    My friend Kate and I were in the front row and heard that speaker POP when it blew. It was LOUD!


    Thanks Jeff for the amazing solo...


    I wish more WILCO fans would let loose and dance :dancing








    well, I saw the owl
  13. :worship

    So envious! Congratulations and enjoy! Please tell all about the experience asap!

    I'll be at the show! :dancing



    I never post here, but I had to share. I just won sound check passes via Record and Tape Traders to catch the sound check at Merriweather on Thursday. Maybe I'll get to meet them. Oh joy :dancing
  14. Your shots are awesome; thanks for sharing! Amazing! :worship




    I shot the show for IndianapolisMusic.net. Thought I'd share them with you all...


    Sorry about the quality, the lighting was beautiful but pretty uneven (during the songs I was allowed to shoot).


    The show was incredible, as always.


    Gallery link here: Wilco Gallery 6/15





  15. Ahhh, the jealousy knows no bounds, but reading it here and experiencing it through all of your eyes (and cameras, very cool, Morgan! :thumbup ) is definitely the next best thing. Thank you for every description and happy moment shared. In my mind's eye, I was there.


    Johnny, your poster turned out to be a masterwork. I want to climb right into it and relax in that fantastic treehouse. It's wonderful. :worship



    Ditto on the jealousy factor! Mike and I were sad to not be able to join you all again for this show! Love the poster Johnny...are they additional copies for sale? I will put the money in the mail like yesterday to have one! Love it!


    Well, the good news...Wilco is coming to Maryland June 21st....who is able to meet up, join us and perhaps at that time we'll have the footage from the LR SHOW to watch together?

    Would love for that to happen with all of you!


    Hey Edie...I'm so glad Scott joined you....I'm sure he'll be hooked soon!

    Well done!

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