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Posts posted by insideoutoflove

  1. just got back to LA...man oh man do i miss chicago. wish i would have had more time :(


    i'm not sure where to begin. this whole weekend was just too much fun, and i'm so glad to have been a part of it. i loved seeing/meeting everyone--we really are a great group of people (you can either take that "we" as viachicagoans, or even wilco fans in general) and i feel so lucky to have found you all. while i have so much respect and gratitude for jeff for doing this not just once but three times every year, the 30 people in the audience really make this gig what it is. thanks for being so wonderful


    jeff and sue, thanks as always for being such incredible people and giving your time to do this. you make a big difference in a lot of people's lives (both the families on the receiving end of our donations, and the people you met last night) sorry we kept you so late!


    my highlights from the show are scattered in the thread already from other posters, and im still kind of processing everything, so i'll spare you a long review for now...


    i'm working on photos, they need a lot of editing though so its kind of a slow process..we'll see if i can get something up tonight

  2. just a reminder about the music...if you plan on playing, you gotta BRING SOMETHING TO PLAY! i have no instruments (well except for a piano upstairs, which is more than likely waaaay out of tune) and am only providing the space for you musicians to do your thang. so if you plan on jamming, bring something to jam with!


    also, just to clarify, there wont be big time dinner food or anything like that--just appetizers, desserts, booze, and whatever people decide to bring along


    oh last thing, i've had a couple questions about whether or not you have to be in an actual living room show group to attend this..the answer is NO! anyone is welcome


    again, send me a PM for details if you plan on coming :)


    see you all tomorrow! :w00t

  3. The Metra would be the best bet (and far faster) from downtown, since it goes to Winnetka I do believe.


    Yep, you can get off either at the Winnetka station or Hubbard Woods (I'm partial to HW..I think it's closer to me, though one COULD argue that they are equidistant) but you'll need a ride from the station to my house unless you're up for a 20 minute walk or so. I used to do it all the time when I was younger and didn't have a license..but then again that was usually during the summer :hmm I'm sure other party-goers would be happy to stop by the station and pick people up on their way though, it's pretty close by. I'd also be happy to make a trip to the train station if needed :)

  4. c'mon, you guys got nothin?


    im trying to decide whether or not penny is working with her father. i have a feeling she's on a separate "mission" than him and will end up saving everyone from him in the end. im not sure how to feel about sayid's move. while he is probably the most sane one when it comes to ben's games and lies, and he is right to realize that anything ben is planning/doing to control michael is not good, the way he handled it seemed foolish to me. i dont know whats going to happen with that


    im still processing the episode, dont know what else to add at the moment. cant believe we've got 3 weeks to wait now..blech

  5. i'm taking off for hawaii tomorrow to spend a weekend with the fam, and then a couple friends are meeting me there monday. cant wait to get to relax all week, this quarter has been hell..just finished up my finals this morning. as crazy as the quarter system is/can be, its nice to not have any work to do while youre on vacation..

  6. kifmPreschool_ActivityMiscellanousSquand_Titanic_Playset-resized200.jpg

    i cant find a picture of just the original version (this stuff must have ended up being poisonous or something, cause it disappeared off the face of the earth)..i freaking loved squand. out of water, its just dry sand! in the water, its moldable! SO COOL!




    pretty much all the wee sing movies were amazing. my friends and i still watch this one around christmas though, its hilarious

  7. weren't the 3 day passes $45-$50 dollars last year?

    they were definitely cheaper. the email i got from pitchfork this morning specifically says "this year's prices will be:" so just reading that prepared me for an increase. lame


    (of course ill still be paying it though..well, for a 2 day pass at least. i have no interest in the full album deal. the idea didnt grab me last year either)

  8. http://www.pitchforkmusicfestival.com/index.php



    Gather 'round, lovers of live music, summertime, the great outdoors, the Windy City, and certain festive occasions where all these things come together. The time has come to announce that annual rite of indie passage, the Pitchfork Music Festival!


    The 2008 edition of our yearly sonic bonanza returns to Chicago's Union Park on Friday, July 18, Saturday, July 19, and Sunday, July 20. We'll spare you our usual bombast and bad puns and take you straight to the initial lineup:


    Friday, July 18:

    Pitchfork Music Festival and All Tomorrow's Parties present Don't Look Back


    Public Enemy performing It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back

    + more, to be announced


    Saturday, July 19:


    Animal Collective


    Vampire Weekend

    Dizzee Rascal

    No Age

    Atlas Sound

    Fleet Foxes

    + many more!


    Sunday, July 20:



    M. Ward


    Extra Golden

    El Guincho

    + many more!


    Of course, that's just the beginning, so look for further lineup announcements in these pages in the near future.


    And you read that correctly: Pitchfork is once again partnering with All Tomorrow's Parties to bring the Don't Look Back series-- in which artists play their classic albums in full-- to the Pitchfork Music Festival. The opening night of the fest will feature Public Enemy parading through hip-hop hallmark It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back.


    Tickets for the 2008 Pitchfork Music Festival go on sale this Wednesday, March 12 at 12 p.m. CDT, and as always, they're quite inexpensive. Three-day passes will run you $65, two-day passes for Saturday and Sunday can be yours for $50, and individual day passes cost $30. So you can use all that extra money you're saving to buy something nice for Mom. I mean, why not?

  9. so im watching last week's episodes with the little comments running along the bottom...didnt catch the vonnegut reference to slaughterhouse five, when faraday says he'll "unstick eloise in time". cool

  10. this is a wonderful article..of all the interviews/pieces where jeff has talked about these issues, i think this is where his emotions and struggles and victories have come out the best. thanks for this jeff, and props to you for overcoming hard times and bettering yourself so successfully. its really something to be proud of

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